The ability to run for office


After the electoral defeat against Joe Biden on November 3, outgoing US President Donald Trump is said to have done two things first: watch television and consider running again for election in 2024, according to US media.

But before then, another Trump may have run for office.

Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump, married to the president’s second youngest son, Eric, will now consider running for senator in North Carolina, according to the New York Times.

IT CAN BE CHAOS: President Donald Trump lost this year’s election campaign to challenger Joe Biden. But how much chaos can he create before he has to leave the White House on January 20, 2021? VIDEO: AP
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Trump’s daughter-in-law, a former personal trainer and television producer, is not entirely without political experience. She has been an election campaign advisor to Donald Trump and was actively involved in campaign work in North Carolina, the state where Lara Trump was born and raised.

Lara and Eric Trump even named their eldest daughter Carolina, after state, according to the New York Times.

– She is very charismatic, understands “retail politics” (traditional election campaign and meetings with voters, journal.anm.) And has a natural instinct for politics, says Mercedes Schlapp.

Schlapp also worked for the Trump election campaign and spent a lot of time with Lara Trump during the election campaign.

– In North Carolina in particular, it has a known name and people recognize it. She worked very hard for the campaign and was very involved in a number of decisions, she adds.

The president’s daughter-in-law also receives a stamp of approval from Kellyanne Conway, a former senior adviser to Donald Trump.

“It would have been formidable,” Conway told the New York Times.

IT HAS NOT FINISHED: Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, says in an interview with Fox News that the election has not been decided. Video: Fox News via AP
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In fierce competition

According to the newspaper, the president’s daughter-in-law aspires to take the place of current Senator Richard Burr, who has announced that he will resign from the Senate after his six-year term expires after 2022.

It opens for a nomination battle within the Republican Party, and if Lara Trump wants to become a senator, she will first have to win the nomination election.

Already in this process, an extremely tough battle is expected.

Among those mentioned as relevant by the American online newspaper Politico are among others:

  • Mark Meadows, Donald Trumps stabs.
  • Mark Walker, member of the North Carolina House of Representatives.
  • Former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory.
ALTERNATIVE DATA: Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to President Donald Trump, says the White House press secretary presented “alternative facts” about the number of people attending the inauguration ceremony. Video: KNOW THE PRESS-NBC NEWS ‘/ AP
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lower margin of victory

If Lara Trump wins this battle, she will face the Democratic Senate candidate in the actual Senate elections, and those are ominous times for Republicans in North Carolina.

Donald Trump won the state in this year’s presidential election, but only by 1.3 percentage points. In the past, North Carolina has been a Republican stronghold, with some serious Democrats here and there.

In 1976, Democrat Jimmy Carter won the state, and in 2008 Barack Obama won, but other than that, the Republican presidential candidate has emerged victorious here.

But the margin of victory has gotten smaller and smaller with each election, and thus Democrats see an opportunity to seize two seats from Republicans here in the next election, according to the New York Times.
