Trump with almost recognition


The president has been a rare sight since the electoral defeat, but on Friday night he took the podium at the White House.

– I have a big announcement to make. Perhaps the greatest of all, Trump began.

- unforgivable

– unforgivable

– I hope they keep it

The announcement concerned regulations from the Trump administration that could lead to cheaper drugs.

– Pharmaceutical companies don’t like me very much. But we had to do it, Trump said, adding:

– I just hope they keep it. I hope you have the courage to keep it up.

The latter can be interpreted as Trump expecting the incoming Biden administration to maintain regulation.

SWEAT RUNS: Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, sweated so much at the press conference that he overflowed on social media. Video: AP
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– I win

A short time later, however, he took the opportunity to once again throw a sting at the election result, which he still maintains has been in his favor.

– This is not an easy thing to do. Millions of negative ads during my campaign. Which I won, by the way. But we’ll find out. Almost 74 million votes. “We had the big pharmaceutical company against us, the media against us, we had a lot of dishonesty against us,” he said.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, does not give up. He continues to claim that he is the rightful winner of the US presidential election. Video: AP
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The Trump administration has long been working on new rules that could lead to Americans having to pay less for more prescription drugs. It is uncertain whether the new regulations will survive the demands of the pharmaceutical industry, or whether the Biden administration will accept, change or repeal them, NTB writes.

– This is something very important, what I do here. I don’t know if anyone will appreciate it. Not even these people can believe it, not even Alex, he said, pointing to Health Minister Alex Azar.

– There’s never been anything like this. It has been talked about for many years, but no one has had the courage to do so.
