– I would have preferred that the discussions were based on greater understanding


Medical director Trond Egil Hansen will not be found in the criticism that the city has received for not having noted the reasons before introducing the strict measures.

– This is a criticism that I would strongly refute, says medical director Trond Egil Hansen that the city council should have written the reasons before the introduction of the crown regulations. Photo: Bård Bøe

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Criticism has hailed the city hall from various sides after the city council introduced the strict regulations on infection control measures in Bergen. On Friday it was announced that the measures would be extended for another two weeks.

The rule that has generated the most debate is the prohibition of gathering more than five people in private homes. The City Council has been unable to refer to the written evaluations that formed the basis for the intrusive decision.

But after politicians, lawyers and the police asked for an explanation of the crown rule, Councilor Roger Valhammer made a justification, eleven days after the rule was adopted.

Valhammer has announced that they will now change practice.

During today’s press conference, however, colleague Hansen took a hard line against critics who believe that the city council should have written the reasons before the introduction of the measures.

Compares to the ER

– This is a criticism that I would strongly reject, Hansen said, comparing the situation the city was in with that of a hospital receiving a seriously ill patient.

– Then you don’t sit down to write guidelines. Then the patient is treated on time and then documented. This is why the current regulations were adopted and enforced on time. And then I think we should be pretty sure from the criticism that the documentation only came later.

After the press conference, Hansen tells BT that everything they make should be the basis for debate and critical opinions.

At the same time, he believes that critics should keep in mind that they can inspire people who do not want to comply with the restrictions that apply.

– We are in a very critical phase, where even those who want to promote criticism in a public space must be aware that the effect of their proposals can lead to worse compliance with the restrictions that are applied.

Here’s how BT’s Eirin Eikefjord comments on Hansen’s proposal:

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The authoritarian tone of the coronation debate is disturbing

Specialist doctor Trond Egil Hansen during the press conference to the municipality on Friday. Photo: Bård Bøe

Do you want more information?

– Do you think that people should not discuss infection control measures?

– I would have preferred that the discussions were based on a little more knowledge about infection control. That is a statement that I maintain. Much of the criticism has been characterized by the fact that one simply has not understood or wanted to understand the professional reasons for infection control and not least the degree of urgency in the implementation of measures when the number of infections is about to rise. speed up.

– Who do you think has come up with this criticism and what is it?

– I think, for example, that a professor of property law at the university here has related to his legal assessments, but has not been characterized by a particularly good knowledge of infection control. I have also noticed that lawyers who really have human rights as a specialty have not agreed with him.

Respond to criticism

Hansen refers to the law professor Hans Fredrik Marthinussen, who has his main field of research within property law.

Marthinussen has been among the strongest critics and believes that the five-person rule is so poorly justified that it cannot be enforced. The evaluation presented afterwards isn’t good enough either, he thinks.

– It must be at your expense that you need to attack me personally. I have not commented on infection control, only on the basic requirements for the evaluations they must take. Then I point, among other things. To proportionality demands that I still do not see that they have presented anything to show that they have adequately assessed, Marthinussen responds and concludes:

– Their need to attack in this way may indicate that they want to divert focus from the fact that they are not able to justify their decisions adequately.

Law professor Hans Fredrik Marthinussen believes that the five-person restriction is a massive intervention in private and family life. Photo: Rune Sævig (archive)

Disagreement between teachers

However, several law professors believe that the rules of the crown of the city council are legal, but that there are limits to the duration of the measures.

However, other professors have pointed out that there should be a written legal evaluation before decisions on measures as intrusive as regulations in Bergen, which has not been the case in Bergen.

Hansen himself believes that it was correct to introduce the measures anyway.

– Yes, it would have been completely wrong for all evaluations to have been written down if it had caused a delay of one or two days in the implementation of the regulations.

– Would that be it?

– I could have done it quickly. These increases in the number of infections happen quite quickly, and what are the correct measures in terms of infection control depends not only on the increase, but also on the number that supports it, that is, the type of spread of the infection that is. the basis of the increase.

also read

Look, the people of Bergen got infected in the last month.

– I understand that criticism must have a professional basis, Councilor Roger Valhammer answers the question whether he agrees with colleague Trond Egil Hansen. Photo: Bård Bøe

Has an understanding of criticism.

When asked if Valhammer agrees with Hansen’s criticisms, the city council leader says the following:

– I understand that criticism must have a professional basis, at least when it comes to professionals from another subject area, probably that was what worried you (Hansen, journal.anm.). Legally, professors who have human rights as a field agree more in our evaluations than professors in other fields.

Valhammer also believes that debate is important.

– If there had been a crisis situation that lasted a week and then ended, then you could take the debate later. But we are in the middle of a pandemic that has lasted eight months and will last a while longer. And I think criticism and debate make me, us and our handling better.

