Coronavirus, Corona | Title: Left directly from infection area to work in doctor’s office repeatedly


An employee at a doctor’s office in Oslo went straight to work on trips abroad repeatedly, according to police.

A health secretary in a GP’s office in Oslo is charged with “intentionally or grossly negligent” for violating quarantine provisions for people arriving in Norway. The woman has repeatedly gone straight to work after traveling abroad, according to police:

– We received a specific notice about a possible quarantine violation in October and then we launched an investigation. We found grounds to prosecute for three periods of non-compliance with quarantine. The indictment therefore applies to three different occasions when the defendant was in England and then went straight to work as a health secretary, where she has been in close contact with several patients, police lawyer Karianne Worren tells Nettavisen. .

Get vaccinations

According to the indictment, he has been in direct contact with the patients, among other things, for having carried out blood tests and cardiac tests, in addition to having administered flu vaccines. He is said to have been at work for a total of 21 days while he was supposed to be in quarantine.

Also read: Corona infected man arrested by police – lied about where he had been

Police are not aware of any infections recorded in connection with the case:

– But we take the situation very seriously, especially considering the high infection rates that were recorded in March, August and September and especially since the accused in quarantine reported to work as a health secretary in a family doctor’s office , concludes the lawyer for the police.

– Have an explanation

The sanction for violating the covid-19 regulations are fines or imprisonment of up to 6 months.

Also read: He received 20,000 in crown fine, but refuses to pay

The defendant’s defense attorney, Annette Barlinn, tells Nettavisen the following:

– My client has not recognized what he is accused of and has an explanation of the case. She is ready to appear in district court and give her side to the court.

The case is scheduled for the Oslo District Court on November 27.


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