– The Most Dangerous TV Minutes in US History


Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, tried at a press conference Thursday night to convince once again that electoral fraud was committed during the US elections.

As he spoke, brown streaks began to run down each side of the attorney’s face, gaining a lot of attention on Twitter.

– Rudy Giuliani is melting? several Twitter users asked.

– Giuliani is now so full of shit that now it comes out of his pores, wrote another.

– The Most Dangerous TV Minutes in US History

According to several American media, it was probably the color of the hair that ran from Giuliani’s forehead.

However, it was not the attorney’s sweat that made Chris Krebs react. This week, Krebs was fired from his job as a senior manager for the United States Cyber ​​Security Agency (CIAS), which is responsible for computer security in elections.

From night to Friday, Krebs opposes Giuliani’s press conference.

– That press conference was the most dangerous hour and 45 minutes on television in the history of the United States. And possibly the craziest, Krebs writes.

A safe presidential election

Giuliani brought lawyer Sidney Powell to the press conference and, according to the AP, the latter claimed that Trump hit Biden with “a landslide.” They are also said to have made accusations that the news agency refers to as fantasy stories about vote-generating systems.

On Thursday, CIAS declared the election the safest in US history. It cost Krebs his job, and several top Democrats have condemned the president’s decision.

Krebs’ firing appeared in a Twitter message from the president Wednesday night.

– Chris Krebs’ recent statement on security around the 2020 elections was very inaccurate, the president began, also referring to what he believes was massive fraud and irregularities during the elections.
