He was cursed after Østberg’s message


On Friday 13 November, that is, a week ago, the news came that Ingvild Flugstad Østberg (30) had been denied the start for the whole season due to health problems.

It was also bad news for the coach of the national team, Ole Morten Iversen:

– I was a bit cursed and upset. We were hoping to get Ingvild back, if not before then after Christmas. But I have full confidence and respect the decisions made by the health team. It’s the best for her.

– What makes you curse?

– I’d like to have her on the team. I also know how disappointed she is herself and I feel with Ingvild in the situation she has gotten into. It is not easy for her to deal with this. Of course, we will miss her on the team and on the results lists, says Iversen.

– What do you put in that she has put herself in that situation?

– Nothing more than that expressed in the press release that was sent from the health team. I have no more information than what is written there. It is up to her to do the work herself. It has worked well, but obviously not well enough, nor well enough. But what is it I cannot answer. It is the health team that knows, says Iversen.

Iversen says there has been a clear division of roles when it comes to contact with Flugstad Østberg: he, as coach of the national team, has had nothing to do with her health problems. It is the health team that has taken charge. Iversen emphasizes that he has only focused on what has had to do with training when it comes to Ingvild Flugstad Østberg.

Redd Weng:

– Right now I wish I wasn’t an elite athlete

– Do you feel that Ingvild is good at listening to the advice that comes to mind?

– You almost have to ask the health team about that. There are many indications that some of the advice could have been followed better, as I interpret it. I talk to Ingvild regularly and according to her she has done a good job both in training and in other things. But obviously it takes more time, as I interpret it.

– You said in Beitostølen a year ago that she had stretched the elastic. That is what has also happened now?

– Over time, I think so, but I don’t have the prerequisites to answer it well enough. In terms of training, he has trained a lot for many years, so that’s probably part of it.

Iversen says that Flugstad Østberg has received help from experts in various areas to get back to skiing. When will it be, no one can say today.

– What are you talking about to manage this time, what you have not achieved before this year’s season?

– You have more time. And I think he has a unique opportunity to return to what he has now set as his goal, the Beijing Olympics.

TV 2 has asked Ingvild Flugstad Østberg if she wants to comment on what Iversen says; there are many indications that he could have followed some of the advice better. Østberg has not responded to our inquiry.

Johaug with a statement of support for the teammate: – Painful and painful
