Coronavirus, covid-19 | Høie asks hospitals to prepare:


-It will be extremely demanding and it is not something that we can maintain over time, says the Minister of Health about the situation for which hospitals are preparing.

OSLO (Nettavisen): 15 corona patients are currently on a respirator, but the Norwegian Ministry of Health and the Norwegian Health Directorate are asking hospitals to prepare for a corona wave with 1,200 intensive care patients at a time.

The number of corona patients has increased since last summer. Despite last week’s signs that infection rates are stabilizing, it is too early to end the crisis, according to the health minister, who still describes the situation as “serious and uncertain.”

He warns against lowering his shoulders and says Norway may still risk exploiting its intensive capacity.

And already with 100 coronary patients in the intensive care unit, it will start to appear, admits health director Bjørn Guldvog.

– 100 will be demanding

– 15 patients with corona in the intensive care unit may seem like a low number, but if it reaches 100, hospitals will have to change the operation a lot, Guldvog tells Nettavisen.

– Then a quarter of the patients will be covid-19 patients, who will have to be subjected to an infection regimen where, among other things, personnel changes become demanding. This will have major consequences immediately and affect other patients, says Guldvog.

He still believes that hospitals will be able to maintain fairly normal operation with up to 200-300 corona patients in the intensive care unit.

Read also: Southeast health: – We are prepared for a new corona wave

Defend the example of Belgium

Guldvog and Høie responded to Nettavisen’s questions about intensive capacity during the press conference on the coronation situation on Thursday. Last week, Høie used Belgium as an example of horror as an infection curve that can spiral out of control and lead to increasing numbers of sick people and people in need of care. Belgium is a country with twice the population of Norway and with an area corresponding to the county of Vestland. They have been at the other end of the scale in Europe when it comes to infection rates during the corona pandemic.

INFOGRAPHIC: The coronavirus in Norway

– It is probably more difficult to deal with a pandemic where people live closer to each other, where there is a more international environment and many live in large cities. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get into a situation with a steeply rising infection curve here as well. There is nothing about Norway and the Norwegians to indicate that we can guarantee against such development, Høie responds, adding:

– If infection rates rise too fast for too long, it is very difficult to stop this curve.

These are the covid-19 numbers that you should take into account

Monday November 2

  • 20,634 coronary heart disease, an increase of 304 cases reported in the last 24 hours (MSIS figures).
  • 64 corona patients admitted to Norwegian hospitals, three receiving respiratory treatment.

Monday November 9

  • 24,239 coronary heart disease, an increase of 409 cases reported in the last 24 hours (MSIS figures at midnight Sunday night).
  • 97 corona patients in Norwegian hospitals, 15 receive treatment on a ventilator.

Monday, November 16

  • 28,963 people infected with corona, an increase of 532 cases reported in the last 24 hours.
  • On the same day, 135 corona patients were admitted to Norwegian hospitals, 16 of them on a ventilator.

(Source NTB)

– Like a war situation

Høie also emphasizes that 1,200 intensive care units for corona patients are not a number that can be easily managed.

– There will be no intensive care units of the quality that we have today in hospitals. There will be significantly fewer staff than we have today, and there will be staff with a lower proportion of high competition. Those who work in hospitals will have the experience of working in a war situation, says Høie.

– It will be extremely demanding and it is not something we can do for a long time. We want to avoid getting into that situation, he adds.

Most Crown Patients at Health South-East

It is the Helse Sør-Øst hospitals that have had the most coronary patients so far.

Health South-East: can serve 392 intensive care patients

– We can handle 392 intensive care patients and we can serve up to 794 locations, Executive Director Cathrine Lofthus said in a press conference by phone on Tuesday, Nov. 10.

Since this spring, Health South-East has implemented more and better teams. In March, hospitals had a total of more than 280 respirators, today the number is 588. In addition, emergency stocks have accumulated for both infection control equipment and medicines.

He also emphasized then that there will be no talk of full-blown intensive care units. The lack of intensive care nurses is the biggest challenge. This is solved, among other things, with extra training.

On Thursday, there were 138 corona patients admitted to Norwegian hospitals, a decrease of five patients from the previous day. The number of patients with a crown on the ventilator (15) remained unchanged.

109 of corona patients are hospitalized in the Southeast health region, 19 are hospitalized in Health West, nine are hospitalized in central Norway and one is hospitalized in Health North, according to NTB.

On Thursday, 30,767 people infected with corona were registered in this country, according to preliminary figures from the national infectious disease reporting system (MSIS).


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