Corona infection class for quarantined students –


Molde Municipality claims Wednesday night that a student from Romsdal Upper Secondary School tested positive for corona.

As a result of the infection, a class at the school has been quarantined. Additionally, close contacts with the infected student are quarantined. A total of 40 people are in quarantine. These will be tested tomorrow.

– We cannot rule out more positive cases and more quarantined, as we have not yet received all the test results, says Deputy Municipal Director Britt Rakvåg Roald in Molde Municipality.

The municipality of Molde is still working to find the source of infection for the student.

On Wednesday night, the municipality of Molde had a digital information meeting with the parents of the class of the infected rivers.

The municipality of Molde recalls what the quarantine implies:

Students can have regular contact with parents and siblings, but should not have contact with anyone outside the home while in quarantine. The quarantine lasts 10 days from the last time you had contact with the infected person.

The municipality of Molde now has a total of 65 registered corona infections so far this year. 5 of them in November.
