Education Association believes teacher safety has been forgotten in infection control report


The group of experts that has analyzed the measures of infection in schools and kindergartens has overcome the situation of teachers, according to the Education Association.

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Steffen Handal, leader of the Education Association, reacts to the fact that the expert group for infection control measures in schools and kindergartens has not been more concerned about the health and safety of teachers. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

On Friday, the government think tank released a report on the consequences of corona infection control measures in kindergartens and schools. Education Association leader Steffen Handal believes the work environment and teacher safety in kindergarten and school are almost absent from the report.

– The report does not address teachers’ health, including mental health, he tells NTB.

He says the union receives many inquiries that the Work Environment Act requirements for a safe work environment are not followed in all schools and kindergartens.

– Therefore, many teachers find themselves in a very demanding situation over time, says Handal.

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Many teachers do not have a safe work environment during the pandemic, according to the Education Association. Photo: Thomas Brun / NTB.

Warns against closing and red level

In the report, the committee warns against closing schools even though corona infection is now increasing the most among young people ages 13 to 19. This is due to the serious consequences it can have for many children and young people. The group also warns against raising the level of readiness to the red, which implies strict restrictions in the daily life of the school and kindergarten.

They believe that red levels in schools and kindergartens should not be introduced until measures have been tried elsewhere in society to reduce infection.

– Obviously we agree with the expert group that the aim is to keep schools and kindergartens open as much as possible, and that there must be strict requirements before moving from yellow to red infection control level says Handal.

– At the same time, it is our job to point out that the expert group has not emphasized the importance of teachers and leaders in kindergarten and school having a completely safe work environment and safety at work, says Handal.

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Difficult with distance

– I do not see that our contribution on the link to the Work Environment Law and the systematic work of HSE has been the object of follow-up or comment, he says.

In its contribution to the expert group, the association writes that they have received many reports of concern about the failure of infection control in schools. This applies, among other things, to the lack of distance between teachers and students and colleagues, lack of substitutes, increased absences due to illness, overcrowded work rooms and classrooms, and very little use of relevant infection control measures.

One of the committee’s recommendations is that part of the additional funds provided to municipalities be earmarked for kindergartens and schools for additional costs of infection control measures.

