Believes Trump should not concede defeat until election fraud is ruled out


President Donald Trump has refused to acknowledge electoral defeat and his lawyers have filed dozens of lawsuits related to the electoral process and the counting of votes in various states. This is despite the fact that US election officials say there is no evidence of voter fraud. In a joint statement, they called the November 3 election “the safest in US history.”

“Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and reviewing the entire process before the final result,” reads the statement from two committees responsible for the security and conduct of the elections, NTB writes.

Republicans in Pennsylvania

According to a Reuters / Ipsos poll, nearly 80 percent of those polled admit that Joe Biden won the election. But about 40 percent of Republicans believe the Democrat has not won.

SUPPORT TRUMP: Trump supporters protest elections outside of the state congress in Harrisburg two days after the election.  Similar demonstrations have been held in various parts of the United States since the November 3 election.

SUPPORT TRUMP: Trump supporters protest elections outside of the state congress in Harrisburg two days after the election. Similar demonstrations have been held in various parts of the United States since the November 3 election. Photo: Tom Rune Orset / TV 2

In the days leading up to, during and after the November 3 election, the TV 2 crew met with various Republicans in Pennsylvania, the state that ultimately decided the election in favor of Joe Biden. With 99 percent of the votes counted, Biden has received more than 60,000 more votes than Trump in this important seesaw state.

A week and a half after the election, we contacted them again and asked what they think about what is happening in the United States now. What do you think about the fact that President Trump has not yet recognized the electoral defeat and do you think there has been widespread electoral fraud? Here are the responses we have received.

Holly steffy

TV 2 met Holly Steffy and the children at the home in the small town of Denver in Pennsylvania before the election. The mother of four had pulled the children out of school because of the bandaging mandate in the state, and has always voted Republican. She is deeply disappointed in the way the election has been handled.

– If Biden won honestly and fairly, that’s fine. But neither I nor my friends believe in this. There have been so many reports of voter fraud that we expect there to be a tally in every state where fraud and irregularities are reported.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Holly Steffy of Pennsylvania, a mother of four, believes Donald Trump should not admit electoral defeat until allegations of voter fraud are investigated.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Holly Steffy of Pennsylvania, a mother of four, believes Donald Trump should not admit electoral defeat until allegations of voter fraud are investigated. Photo: Tom Rune Orset / TV 2

The 42-year-old wonders how it could be that Republicans kept a majority in the Senate, advanced in the House of Representatives and in many state elections, but failed to keep the White House.

– So red won everywhere except the presidency? Has no sense. Trump should not admit defeat until all votes have been investigated, Steffy says.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Holly Steffy with her children Kyle, Joshua, Taylor and Jace.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Holly Steffy with her children Kyle, Joshua, Taylor and Jace. Photo: Tom Rune Orset / TV 2

– But will you recognize Biden as president if you take a recount and also show you won?

– Yes, I will do it. But I am sure many will not. The same thing happened when Trump was elected; Democrats marched through the streets, protesting and saying that he was not their president. I am disappointed in the way my country has handled these elections.

Joseph Green

Joseph Green is pastor and congregation leader at St. Paul’s Baptist Church outside Harrisburg, the state capital of Pennsylvania. From 1985 to 2012, the pastor was a registered Democrat and volunteered during John Kerry’s presidential election campaign in 2004. The abortion issue caused Green to switch parties, and since 2004, the pastor has voted Republican.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Pastor Joseph Green believes that all allegations of voter fraud should be investigated.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Pastor Joseph Green believes that all allegations of voter fraud should be investigated. Photo: Tom Rune Orset / TV 2

He also believes Trump should not admit defeat until a recount has been made and all trials have been considered by the courts.

– I think there are many indications that we have significant discrepancies as regards the outcome of the elections. In some places the discrepancies are said to be in the hundreds of thousands of votes.

Both the pastor and the mother of four, Holly Steffy, are very critical of the handling of the media.

– It has been interesting to see the great inclination that the media has against the president. “I believe that Trump should not admit defeat until all the votes have been counted, the election has been verified, and all the lawsuits in the court system have been resolved,” said Joseph Green.

Christine Mason and Mike Mangano

Brothers Christine Mason and Mike Mangano run the “Taste of Sicily” restaurant in the small town of Palmyra, and they have become known in Republican circles locally for their opposition to the Democratic Governor’s infection control rules. Both are ardent Trump supporters.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Sibling couple Christine Mason and Mike Mangano voted for Trump, and they believe the president should wait to acknowledge electoral defeat.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Sibling couple Christine Mason and Mike Mangano voted for Trump, and they believe the president should wait to acknowledge electoral defeat. Photo: Tom Rune Orset / TV 2

– I think President Trump will have four new years. There has been massive electoral fraud and I definitely believe that Trump should not concede defeat, Christine Mason tells TV 2.

– The day I stop fighting for the American people, things will go wrong for us. I sympathize with all those who have been through so much with Covid and now feel uncertain about the direction our country is going.

Rebel: – I don’t understand why this virus is so special

– But did Biden get more than five million more votes than Trump nationally and 60,000 more votes than the president of Pennsylvania?

– I don’t think Biden got five million more votes than Trump. I think Trump won the election, he says firmly.

His brother Mike Mangano is more pragmatic, but he also doesn’t think Trump should admit defeat – yet.

– To be honest, I’ve never seen anything like what we see now. My take is that it will eventually work out one way or another, and that a winner will be announced, Mangano says.

– When it comes to the issue of electoral fraud, I just don’t know. They can investigate, but until it’s cleared up, I don’t think the president should admit defeat.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Mike Mangano would rather put the election behind him and move on.

VOTED FOR TRUMP: Mike Mangano would rather put the election behind him and move on. Photo: Tom Rune Orset / TV 2

Mangano does not have as much faith that Trump will continue as president as his sister.

– As it seems now, Biden won. As long as they do not prove that electoral fraud has taken place. That said, I just want to say that it is a shame to the American people that we ended up in this situation.

– The political situation is very polarized, but there are many of us who just want to move on with our lives. All this noise is just annoying, says Mangano.
