173 new corona infections in Oslo in the last 24 hours


A technical error in the city of Oslo led to the number of infected on the last day being set at 31.

The municipality informs NTB that the correct number of new cases is 173. There are 47 more cases than on Wednesday.

At midnight on Wednesday, 26,506 corona-infected people were registered in this country. This is an increase of 622 cases reported in the last 24 hours.

That’s 60 more than what was recorded the day before. Since last Thursday, 3,931 new cases of infection have been registered in Norway, preliminary figures from the National Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS) show.

So far, more than 1.9 million people have been tested for coronavirus in this country, according to the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH).

On average, it takes one to two days from the time a test response is available until it is registered with MSIS. Therefore, the figures can give a misleading picture of the infection situation in recent days, since it does not appear when the sample has been taken, only when it has been registered.

Backlog in the database

FHI writes in its weekly report that the increase in infection in Norway has caused a delay in the figures reported to the MSIS.

During the week before and the week before, information on the country of infection and the infection status is missing in 59% of infection cases.

– Available data indicate that about 10 percent were infected abroad. Most are people infected in their own country of origin, mainly Poland, and that the most common assumed infection situation is one’s own home, work / university and private events, the report indicates.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health model indicates an increasing spread of the infection, with a reproduction figure in October of 1.4. However, the model still shows that there was much higher infection pressure in March-April than it is now. Then, FHI estimated that about one in ten cases of infection were detected, while in September and October about four out of ten cases were detected.

More hospital admissions

Since the summer, the number of hospital admissions for coronary heart disease has increased. Last week 81 new admissions were registered in the country’s hospitals. This is a 50 percent increase from the previous week and the highest number in a week since the beginning of April.

There were the most admissions at Health South-East, but the number has increased across all regional health trusts in recent weeks.

On Wednesday, there were 95 corona patients admitted to Norwegian hospitals. That’s nine less than the day before. A total of 12 of the patients receive respiratory treatment. That is the same number as Tuesday.

People born outside of Norway are over-represented among those with proven infection and corona-related hospitalizations.

Highest death toll since May

Last week, six crown-related deaths were reported. This is the highest number of deaths reported in a week since the last week of May.

A total of 285 corona-infected people have died in Norway since March, according to preliminary figures. It is not always possible to establish whether patients have died from or from COVID-19.

Just over half, 53 percent, of those killed are men, with people in their 80s making up the largest group.
