Oslo: – 37 percent increase


Infection rates in Oslo have risen just under 40 percent in the past 24 hours, after 173 new cases of corona infection were recorded in the capital.

National figures show that there are 622 new cases of contagion in the country in the last 24 hours, representing an increase of 60 cases compared to the previous day.

There was only complete confusion after the municipality mistakenly reported “only” 31 new cases of infection. The figure was published as a result of an error with the web pages where the corona statistics are published.

Complete shutdown

On Friday of last week, Councilman Raymond Johansen announced that he would close the capital.

All gyms, cinemas, theaters, playgrounds, bowling alleys and the like were closed until Tuesday night until the end of November in the first instance. A bar stall was also introduced, to the despair of the city’s restaurants.

Health Councilor Robert Steen believes that many will find it more difficult, but that the measures are also absolutely necessary.

– In recent weeks, infection has increased in all age groups, with the exception of those over 90, says Steen.

It emphasizes that there is great uncertainty about much of the origin of the infection.

– But we know it doesn’t come through the kitchen fan at home, says Steen.

1.9 million tests

Since last Thursday, 3,931 new cases of infection have been registered in Norway, preliminary figures from the National Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS) show.

So far, nearly 1.9 million people have been tested for the coronavirus in this country.

A total of 285 corona-infected people have died in Norway since March, according to preliminary figures. It is not always possible to establish whether patients have died from or from COVID-19.

Just over half, 53 percent, of those killed are men, with people in their 80s making up the largest group.
