FRP is in favor of eliminating all property taxes in 2024 – E24


In its alternative budget, the party launches a drastic property tax reduction plan on Monday, setting a timetable for its goal of eliminating it entirely.

Boy, Heiko / NTB scanpix


– Now it is an extra punishment for the municipalities that have challenged the decision of the parliamentary majority to reduce the property tax. Because the tax will disappear in 2024, says municipal policy spokesman Helge André Njåstad to E24.

In the alternative state budget to be presented by the FRP on Monday, the party specifies how municipalities will ultimately be deprived of an important source of revenue:

  • The tax rate will be reduced from four to two per thousand in 2022
  • Municipalities lose the opportunity to calculate the value of homes with appraisers
  • And from 2024, all property taxes on Norwegian houses and cottages will disappear.

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– Quickly becomes practical policy.

In government, the FRP won approval for several property tax cuts. Njåstad cautions that they will also work hard to get plan approval for the new cuts:

– The proposals are not just an alternative budget, these are issues that we would prefer to negotiate in budget negotiations this fall, and furthermore, it will soon be practical policy if FRP enters government again starting in 2021, says FRP’s profile.

– The property tax has been a battle issue for me and for the party for many years. In our alternative budget, we set a clear goal of when the tax on houses and cabins will be eliminated in full, continues Njåstad.

In addition to the plan to reduce the property tax rate to zero, the party proposes that municipalities be deprived of the current opportunity to choose whether property values ​​will be calculated with figures from the Tax Administration or local appraisers traveling through the properties.

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The appraiser’s method has met with strong opposition from critics who point out that municipalities have a vested interest in obtaining the highest possible value, something they fear may affect the allocation given to appraisers.

FRP believes that municipalities should not have a choice, but that everyone should use figures from a central level. The alternative budget proposal establishes:

“Local assessment has become a loophole and a pillow for tax-hungry local politicians while being too random an assessment base. Municipal assessment is also an expensive solution for municipalities. The tax administration value base for housing taxation is currently a model that can be improved if it is to be used to establish a rate, but the model is much better than the random and expensive evaluation of municipalities. ”
