Find Olav Odde: – The profile of the “farm” is badly damaged


Earlier this week, several Norwegian media wrote that a man in his 60s was sent by air ambulance to St. Olav’s Hospital after being trapped between a car and a building in a courtyard.

On Sunday evening, the people of Fosna report that it is the SP politician and former “Farmen” participant Finn Olav Odde who was seriously injured in the crush he suffered in front of his home in Ørland.

The leader of the home team for the Ørland Center Match, Vidar Heldahl, confirms to Dagbladet that it was Odde who was injured this week. However, he does not want to comment further on the case or the extent of the damage.

Family friend Skjalg Ledang says on behalf of the family that Odde was seriously injured in the accident, injuries that the family have reported could be life-threatening without prompt treatment.

- It was too much pressure for me - just nonsense

– It was too much pressure for me – just nonsense

– Finn Olav Odde has undergone extensive surgery after the accident, and the family experiences that the situation is now brighter than a few days ago. It’s been a rough day for the family, but they’re relieved that Finn Olav is now showing clear signs of improvement, he tells Dagbladet.

Ledang notes that it is important for the family to emphasize that they believe no one can be blamed for the accident, where Odde was trapped between a driverless car and a wall.

– The family is also very grateful to all who helped in connection with the accident and the treatment that Finn Olav Odde has received at St. Olav Hospital in the time after the accident, he continues.

The family asks for respect and understanding that now they want the necessary peace, at the same time that they are very happy for all those who have shown and show compassion and affection for Odde.

IN PARLIAMENT: The two SP politicians Magnhild Vik and Finn-Olav Odde had a fight in recent weeks on the Farmen TV show. SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum called a meeting to wash dishes. Video: Øistein Monsen / Dagbladet
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Headlines created

Finn Olav Odde, 62, from Ørland in Sør-Trøndelag, was on everyone’s lips in 2014 as a contestant on TV show 2. Public disputes both on screen and off the filming yard made headlines nearly pop daily.

– It was an unpleasant situation to end up in. I didn’t handle it very well at first, there was too much pressure on me. I felt that the media was misrepresenting everything I said. It was just silly, he told Dagbladet five years ago, but he didn’t want to point to specific means.

“The Farm” -Olav: – I do not regret

However, the media storm quickly subsided after the end of the show and public outcry. The aforementioned participant of the reality show later explained that he has learned a lot from the participation of “Farmen”.

– I have realized that all care is good care, and that you have to accept things as they are. I think I came out of it with the credit intact, he said.
