Almost 200 died after storms in Central America


About 200 people have so far been recorded dead after Central America was hit by a major hurricane.

In Honduras, authorities report that 14 people were killed in floods and landslides caused by storm Eta. Photo: Delmer Martinez / AP / NTB

Hurricane Eta hit the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua as a Category 4 hurricane on Tuesday. He lost strength and was demoted before continuing on to Honduras and hitting Guatemala on Thursday.

Guatemalan authorities say at least 150 people died and hundreds died when the village of Queja, near San Cristóbal Verapaz, was buried in a landslide.

In Guatemala, efforts are now being made to get an overview of the injured, dead and how many have been made homeless due to the storm, in addition to recovering the victims of the ruins and landslides.

In Honduras, the authorities report at least 21 deaths, in Panama five, in Nicaragua two and in Costa Rica two.

In Mexico, 19 people have lost their lives in floods and landslides caused by storm Eta. The storm was heading toward the Caribbean Sea again on Friday, heading for the Cayman Islands and Cuba.

A village in Honduras was flooded after Hurricane Eta. Photo: Delmer Martinez / AP / NTB
