New virus variant discovered in Norway – crisis meeting on the situation


The new variant is said to have been discovered in connection with the large outbreak at Hammerfest in recent weeks.

The municipality has been in an emergency meeting to try to gain control of the situation.

– A very unusual type of virus

– This is a new type of covid-19, which has not been seen before in Norway. A very unusual type of virus. There is a clear common thread in this bud it happened at Hammerfest hospital, says Mayor Marianne Sivertsen Næss (Labor) to Nordlys.

Therefore, the municipality will change the quarantine rules to curb the pandemic. This means that newly infected people must be quarantined for two weeks instead of ten days.

The reason is that it takes longer before the virus is detected and that people who have been in close contact with infected people are at risk of continuing the infection if they mix with other people prematurely.

Stronger than NIPH – must be legally clarified

Therefore, the municipality wants to introduce stricter quarantine rules than the recommendation of the National Institute of Public Health, but it is not yet clear whether the municipality has the authority to implement this.

– The measure will also be discussed with the lawyers of the municipality, the mayor tells iFinnmark.

In the last 24 hours, there have been three new infections at Hammerfest. One of the infected is a hospital employee, the other is a school student, while the third is a municipal employee.

The hospital empties of patients

Finnmark Hospital has conducted massive employee testing at Hammerfest Hospital. The hospital introduced an admission stop on Friday, October 23.

Dozens of employees have been quarantined. The patients have now been transferred to other hospitals in the country.

Hammerfest Hospital will begin to resume normal activities on November 9 at the earliest.

The case is being updated
