Drugs, United States | The American drug shock


Historic liberal drug election tonight.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): Several US states have legalized various forms of drug use.

Tuesday’s election in the United States was not just a presidential election, it was also an election in which there was new legislation on drug use in various parts of the country.

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Several states legalized marijuana

In the states of New Jersey, Arizona, Montana and South Dakota, there was a majority in favor of legalizing marijuana for personal use. They thus joined a group of 11 other states in the United States, plus DC, which have already legalized the personal use of marijuana.

Additionally, Mississippi has legalized marijuana for medical use.

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However, the most dramatic change came in Oregon, where there was a 60 percent majority in favor of a new law decriminalizing personal user doses of tougher narcotics such as cocaine, heroin, OxyContin and methamphetamine, reports the Washington Post. .

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Oregon is therefore the first state in the US to decriminalize such use.

Oregon also decriminalized psychedelic mushrooms, which in connection with the elections were also decriminalized in the District of Columbia.

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The new law means that Oregonians are no longer at risk of arrest or incarceration if they carry small amounts of drugs like cocaine and heroin that are intended for personal use.

As part of the new legislation, the state will also work to ensure that more people with addictions receive treatment rather than end up in prison.

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Vox writes that in any state in the US where marijuana legalization or other drug policy reform was on the ballot Tuesday, it won.

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“This is the most important failed drug policy reform in a generation,” said Kassandra Frederique, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which has spent more than $ 4 million to support the initiative.

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“This is especially important because most people are not aware that drug possession is the leading cause of arrests in the country,” Frederique told the Washington Post.

“It all comes down to the fact that marijuana prohibition has been completely wrong,” Matthew Schweich, deputy director of the Marijuana Policy Project, told the newspaper.

“If you are not going to severely punish people for marijuana, you could also legalize it to control and regulate and use the revenue from important public services,” he says.

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The report on drug reform was presented today by the chief state prosecutor, Runar Torgersen, and the minister of health, Bent Høie (H).

21 million Americans are addicted

In the United States, an estimated 21 million people suffer from some form of addiction, be it alcohol, pills, or drugs. And when it comes to drug overdoses, they have more than tripled since 1990.

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In the period from 1999 to 2017, more than 700,000 Americans died from overdoses, according to figures from the Center on Addictions.

In the United States, there were more than 19,000 fatal overdoses in the period from January to March this year, data from the CDC shows. This is about 3,000 more deaths than at the same time last year, writes the Duluth News Tribune.

The Attorney General will decriminalize drugs

In a consultation statement on drug reform released this summer, the Attorney General wrote that drug use and possession should no longer be fought with punishment in Norway, the 24 Court wrote this summer. The police gave their response to the consultation on drug reform in May and later advised against decriminalization.

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The Norwegian Medical Association has also stated that they believe that impunity for drug use will recruit new users, and that the amounts of drugs that one should be able to have without punishment are too high.

Read more: The Attorney General wants to decriminalize drugs
