Elementary students up to the ages of 9 and 10 share pornography with each other


“Is your child viewing pornography?” If your child is 9-10 years old or older, the answer is probably yes. The anti-bullying preparedness team in Herøy now warns that schools have caught a trend in which children, who are far below elementary school age, are willingly viewing pornography or being pressured into viewing pornography by older children. “.

Herøy Municipality writes this on its website on Monday.

Children send other people’s links to pornographic sites, uncritically share video clips with pornographic content, and show or force other people to watch movies with pornographic content, depending on the municipality.

Herøy municipality also lists several unfortunate consequences of this:

  • Most kids at such a young age experience this as offensive and disgusting, but they dare not protest because then they are out of the gang.
  • Children and young people have a wrong image of what “normal” sexuality is.
  • Children and young people are exposed to content that they do not have the capacity / maturity to understand and evaluate in relation to their own limits and those of others.
  • The road from seeing to taking a photo of yourself and sharing is short. Taking, storing and sharing “nudes” with children under the age of 16 is, by law, child pornography and criminal acts.

A local emergency response team warns of the consequences of viewing pornography at such a young age and, in this case, gives advice on how to better control what children do online:
