Another 12 confirmed infection – VG


DECORATED: Dream Banquet Hall. Photography: Mattis Sandblad, VG

So far, 46 people have tested positive for coronavirus. Wedding parties have caused one of the biggest outbreaks in Oslo.

The 12 recently confirmed cases of infection include secondary infections.

– There are about 300 people in quarantine after the wedding. We have been in contact with the vast majority of the participants and we hope to have been able to communicate with everyone in a short time, infection control doctor Frode Hagen in the municipality of Oslo informs VG.

The outbreak in Oslo is related to two weddings last week:

  • Thursday October 22 at the Karihaugen Utsikten Banquet Halls in the Alna district.
  • Sunday October 25 at Dream Banquet Rooms in Holmlia in the Søndre Nordstrand district.

The infection control director has confirmed that the two parties were arranged in connection with the same wedding, which took place over several days in two different venues.

RELATIVELY LARGE OUTBREAK: Frode Hagen is chief infection control physician in the municipality of Oslo. He informs VG that they will have the outbreak under control during testing and monitoring of the infection. Photo: Lise Åserud, NTB

It will keep the infection within the neighborhoods.

Currently, the outbreak is related to the districts of Alna, Stovner, Nordstrand, Søndre Nordstrand and Grorud.

– We work with infection tracking to prevent further spread, writes the head of infection control.

He characterizes the outbreak as relatively large.

– But we have had similar situations before, and with good monitoring and testing for infections, we will have the outbreak under control, he writes in the email.

Infection control physician Hagen states that they have not yet made any assessment on whether or not infection control rules have been followed at weddings.

– Our most important job is working with infection tracking, following up with participants, and providing medical care when needed, he writes.

Over the weekend, the health service worked to map the guests who had been to the wedding celebrations.

– We work with the organizers’ guest lists to get an overview of the participants. They are contacted for information on quarantine and testing. We have not yet made any assessment of whether or not infection control rules have been followed, Hagen wrote in an email to VG on Sunday.

Nakstad: sick people should not go to events

– It is quite clear now that where there are often outbreaks is where a lot of people gather, indoors for a long period of time. This is the common denominator of the outbreaks in Norway, responded assistant assistant Espen Nakstad.

VGTV asked him what he thinks about wedding-related outbursts.

Nakstad emphasizes that it is very important at an event to make sure the guests are healthy and that it is important to stay home if you are not feeling completely healthy.

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– Even though we wanted to leave. Normally it can be very difficult, when you have been waiting for something for a long time and maybe you are a little rusty in the throat or hot in the forehead.

– So you can infect a lot of people if you are indoors for a long time. Even if you follow all the infection control rules, it can happen, Nakstad told VGTV.

PARTY HELD: A Corona infection has been discovered among several who attended wedding parties in Oslo last week. One of the events took place at Utsikten Banquet Rooms in Alna on Thursday October 22nd. Photography: Mattis Sandblad, VG.

– He was given a mask

Sharjil Javaid, who is the leader of Dream Banquet Rooms, confirmed to VG on Sunday that they rented the premises for the wedding party on Sunday, October 25. Investigated that infection control rules were followed to the letter

– All guests received face masks by the guards at the gate. There was no dance. The Antibac stations were located at the entrance and inside the premises. In addition, we have a television screen in the room where the rules of quarantine and infection control are reported, he says.

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– Make sure the rules were followed

Utsikten Banquet Rooms CEO Satkunamaran Veluppillai confirms that they rented the premises for a party related to the upcoming wedding on Thursday, October 22.

Veluppillai says he doesn’t have an overview of how many guests there were that day. He says they made sure that infection control rules were followed.

– We had fixed seats with one meter of distance between each one. Our room measures approximately 1600 square meters and has plenty of space. People kept a good distance and several stations were installed with isopropyl alcohol.

He says he doesn’t know how many of the guests were at Thursday’s event, who were also at the wedding party at Dream Ballroom on Sunday.

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