– It is essential that we do not lose control – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio


Health Deputy Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad is concerned about the sharp increase in the number of infected in recent weeks. He is particularly concerned that there are now about 60 patients in the hospital, which is a significant change in a short time. Nakstad believes that the current situation is not so many weeks away from where Norway was in March if the trend continues. It is therefore fully aware that we must slow down development.

Do not lose control

– If the infection spreads everywhere, you have lost control. Then you may have to do similar things to the countries in Europe. We want to avoid that and we can do it together, says Nakstad.

Infection in other countries, as in



Austria and Portugal

, has led one to speak of a second wave and that it is fading again. If the increase in infection continues at the same rate over the next several weeks, the test and infection tracking system may become overloaded, causing you to lose control of the spread of infection. Then we also have a new wave in Norway.

– It is essential that we do not lose control, and achieve a situation of uncontrolled spread throughout society, which contributes to rapid infection and rapid hospitalization. It gives a new wave, but we are not there yet, says Nakstad.

The deputy director of health Espen Nakstad is clear that we can reverse the trend if we want, but that it requires everyone’s effort. To cope with that, the same rules still apply; wash your hands, stay home when sick, and keep your distance.

– It seems that people will make an effort to reduce the level of contagion towards Christmas, and that makes us happy. Together we can reverse the trend, but it will be demanding and it is not easy, but it is certainly possible, says Nakstad.

The infection is increasing in Drammen

John David Johannessen, Drammen Municipal Chief Physician

Drammen City Chief Physician John David Johannessen is concerned about the development of the city.

Photo: Azad Razaei / NRK

In the past 24 hours, 38 people in Drammen have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease and the city has seen a sharp increase in infections in the past four days. Since Thursday, 115 people have been confirmed infected with corona.

– We worry about the numbers. Such high infection rates tell us that too many people are not complying with infection control rules. There are still many who have too many close contacts with those who are close, says chief physician John David Johannessen. He adds that if we want to stop the negative development of the infection, we depend on everyone keeping more distance from each other and interacting with fewer people.

Torg of Bragernes in Drammen

Drammen has had a sharp increase in corona infections in recent days.

Photo: Harald Inderhaug / NRK

On Sunday afternoon, the municipality sent a text message and an email to the inhabitants:

“We see a very strong increase in coronary heart disease in Drammen. We ask that you limit the number of close contacts as much as possible and stay a good distance from everyone except your home. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Greetings municipality of Drammen », it is said in the message.

Quarantined school

Three teachers and five students at Skoger School are infected and the entire school, both teachers and students, will be tested over the weekend.

– Pending the results of the test, the school will be closed on Monday and registration will take place at home. We should have answers to all the test results and we are not sure that we will get them all on Sunday, director Pål Baklid tells NRK.

The number of infections is also increasing in Gol Township in Hallingdal. Four new cases of infection arrived on Saturday. Gol is thus up to 31 infected by corona in a municipality of less than five thousand inhabitants. This is before the results for the last 24 hours have been posted on Sunday night.

49 new infected in Bergen

People who have been confirmed infected in the last 24 hours are between the ages of 4 and 69, the Bergen municipality writes on its website.

In front of Bergens Tidende, health adviser Beate Husa (KrF) says the numbers are high, although they have risen and fallen somewhat in recent days. You are concerned about people infected with an unknown route of infection and that the average age of those infected has increased.

– It is a challenge because we know that it is worse for those over 60 to be affected by the crown than those under 60, says Husa.

The Bergen bar manager has resigned

After 37 inspections this weekend, the Bergen bar manager is upset by the result. The nightlife strives to provide a good enough distance between the guests. More than half of the clubs

broke the crown rules


The inspection was the first round over the weekend after the municipality adopted the new one on Wednesday.

local crown regulations

In Bergen.

Eirik Skomedal

1000 people have been quarantined here in the Setermoen camp in Bardu. This is confirmed by an Army spokesman, Eirik Skomeda.

Photo: malin Straumsnes / NRk

1000 quarantined

At Setermoen camp in Bardu, 19 people tested positive, while six people received a positive response to their tests at Rena camp in Østerdalen this weekend. In Garden in Oslo six cases of infection have been detected. The infection has also been detected in the Norwegian Navy, at Haakonsvern in Bergen.

Intensive infection monitoring is underway at Skjold camp in Målselv after an outbreak of infection. 50 people are quarantined in the field after infection in the Setermoen field in the neighboring municipality of Bardu. The Armed Forces have quarantined more than necessary in hopes of stopping the spread of covid-19.

There are about 1000 people who have been quarantined by the Armed Forces in the Setermoen camp, confirms Army spokesman Eirik Skomeda.

Most people get infected at home.

Statistics show that many are infected by people in their own homes who have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Government

so now clarify the advice

and the rules in this area.

The Drammen municipal doctor attracts everyone.

– Having many close contacts does not help fight the pandemic or limit the spread of the infection. Unfortunately, it is only one contribution to spreading the infection and making the path back to a normalized life even longer for all of us, says Johannessen.
