Lyon – Priest shot in France


An Orthodox priest has been shot and wounded in Lyon, France, reports the AFP news agency.

One person has been arrested after the shooting episode.

The person in question conforms to the testimony of the witnesses, says Nicholas Jacquet, a Lyon prosecutor, according to NTB.

According to local media, the man was arrested shortly after 7 p.m. at a kebab restaurant in the French city, just over three hours after the shooting.

The priest now appears in the French media.

HERE THE SHOTS FELL: The pastor was about to close the church for the day he was shot twice. Photo: Laurent Cipriani / AP / NTB
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Greek citizen

The priest’s name must be Nikolaos Kakavelakis, writes The Guardian.

According to French television BMF, the incident took place when the priest, a Greek citizen, was about to close the church for the day.

The victim was treated on the spot for life-threatening injuries. According to Expressen, he was transferred to intensive care at a hospital.

According to Le Parisien, the weapon was a sawed-off shotgun.

SHOOTING ATTACK: A French soldier is on duty in Lyon, near the area where an Orthodox priest was shot and killed on Saturday night. Photo: AFP / NTB
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Ask people to stay away

According to the BBC, the priest’s condition must be serious.

The French Interior Ministry announced on Twitter that security forces and emergency services had moved to the scene.

They encourage people to stay away from the area.

The incident took place in the 7th district of Lyon.

Ludovic Cassier, from the Unité SGP Police union, in an interview with French radio, shared the following report by the author:

Man from the Mediterranean area, about 1.90 meters tall, wearing a long black raincoat and black hat.

The sign element is reproduced in The Guardian.

Puts crisis staff

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin signs Twitter which encourages people to stay away from the area and follow directions.

Darmanin warns that he will go to Paris and establish a crisis group in cooperation with the country’s president, Emmanuel Macron, and Prime Minister Jean Castex.

The shooting takes place three days after the Notre-Dame attack in central Nice, in which three people lost their lives. The circumstances surrounding Saturday’s events are not yet known, according to Le Parisien.

Le Figaro writes that the case is not currently being investigated as terrorism.

The Lyon prosecutor’s office currently qualifies the investigation as an assassination attempt and works closely with the country’s counter-terrorism prosecutor, according to The Guardian.
