Strong wind in western Norway


Wind blows through western Norway, but police currently have few storm-related assignments.

Photo: Meteorological Institute

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It blows hard in parts of western Norway, with a predicted wind speed of up to 33 meters per second in gusts. Meteorologists have issued a yellow warning.

– We have been notified of some shingles at Ortun in Fyllingsdalen that may have been ripped off, but it is not known whether they originate from the roof or from a trailer, says operations manager Frode Kolltveit in the West Police District.

At 10 p.m., firefighters report that they have moved to Osøyro, where a tree is said to have been felled and possibly collided with a boat.

Worried about scaffolding

Police have also received some phone calls from people who are concerned about scaffolding and tarps flapping dangerously in the wind.

At 9:00 p.m. 18.8 seconds blew over Sotrabrua.

Vegtrafikksentralen says that road users should be aware of the wind, especially if they cross bridges.

So far, we’ve had a few trees and signs that have blown up. It has been fixed quickly. Otherwise we continue, especially on bridges, says Jørgen Bødtker in Vegtrafikksentralen.

Bridges are particularly vulnerable

He says most of the winds so far have been recorded in Rogaland and northern western Norway, but that both Sotrabrua and Askøybrua can be exposed to strong gusts.

– If, for example, you have a ski box on the roof or something else that has a large windbreaker, it may be worth thinking about, says Bødtker.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute issued a so-called yellow forecast for western Norway south of Stad from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning. Strong winds from the south and southeast are expected, there may be a complete storm on the coast. Strong gusts of 27 to 33 meters per day are expected locally. second.

Highway 55 over Sognefjellet was closed Saturday due to bad weather and will not open until 12 noon Sunday at the earliest.

