The apprentice (19) was just going to buy dinner:


Friday, October 30, will be a day that the 19-year-old fisherman from Nord-Trøndelag will remember forever.

He was going to buy dinner, and with him he had bottles worth 41 crowns. A few minutes later he had become a millionaire.

– I was speechless. I still haven’t fully realized it, says the 19-year-old who wishes to remain anonymous.

The daughter thought she was sad, but she cried with joy

He is a fishing apprentice on a boat in Rørvik and has now received great help on the way to his dream.

– I’ve dreamed of having my own shark. This will go a long way towards achieving that dream, he tells TV 2.

– How have family and friends reacted to the news that you have become a millionaire?

– I think they were more surprised and happy than me, says the 19-year-old.

Millions in the pawn lottery

For the Red Cross, the income from the Mortgage Lottery has become very important. Last year, they received a total of NOK 62 million from the lottery.

– I would like to congratulate the local winner and hope that he and everyone else will continue to press the Red Cross button when they commit, says Vigdis Nordheim, leader of the Vikna Red Cross.

– Shock condition

At Kiwi Rørvik in Trøndelag, where the millionth prize was won on Friday morning, there was a good atmosphere.

– The whole store has been in shock today. This was fantastically fun and very nice that there are also young people who win, says Cecilie Johnsen, assistant store manager.

– Many of our clients participate in the lottery and the employees also. It seems that there are many who want to support the Red Cross and the good work they do here locally, he says.

More prizes must be awarded

The coincidence has led to the fact that there are still three million earnings left, which will be distributed over the next three weeks.

– You can explain it by saying that it is a kind of bucket with weights, which is now almost empty. And that there are still three million winnings left at the bottom of the bucket, where the chance of winning is now three times higher. People have never pushed the Red Cross button as much as now, so obviously many will grab hold of these millions, says Gaute Langdal, general manager of Pantelotteriet.
