Swede Jan Myrdal has died


It is the Swede Aftonbladet who reports the death. Myrdal was admitted to the hospital Wednesday night and passed away on Friday morning.

– Jan has been weak in recent months, so it was not entirely unexpected. I met him regularly towards the end and talked to him about his books, and then he was able to talk and tell, but he couldn’t write something anymore that made him lose the spark of life, Lasse Diding tells Aftonbladet.

Diding was the initiator of the founding of the Jan Myrdal Society in 2008 and rented a house in Varberg with Henning Mankell to house the private library that Myrdal donated to the company.

Myrdal was a leading figure on the left wing in Sweden. He was committed to work for peace and opposed nuclear weapons. It was also the subject of heated debate, especially over its relationship with Cambodia in the 1960s and 1970s.

In the 1980s he was very critical of Palme’s research, and in 2006 he said that Muhammad cartoons could not be defended or justified on the basis of the principles of freedom of expression, because in all societies there will be statements that go beyond the limits of what is acceptable.
