Ole Gunnar Solskjær, Manchester United | Solskjær stated on the Premier League decision:


The Manchester United manager is not happy with the current rule.

Ole Gunnar Solskjær expressed frustration when asked at Friday’s press conference about the Premier League regulations regarding the number of substitutions during a match.

Due to the heavy load of matches this season, the European Cups have allowed five substitutions during one match.

The same was proposed in the Premier League, but most clubs voted against this proposal. Therefore, only three changes are allowed.

Solskjær stated

United manager Solskjær is very clear that he would like the opportunity to trade five players during a deal.

– Clearly. I don’t understand it and I can’t believe it was voted against. We have to take care of the players. This season is the most demanding of all time, says Solskjær at Friday’s press conference.

It has been speculated that more changes will benefit the bigger clubs with a larger number of players and that five changes were therefore probably voted against this season.

However, Solskjær believes that the health of the players should come first.

– I can understand why the clubs voted against it, but if you take a step back and think about these professional players and their physical and mental health, then the only sensible decision would be that we could rest more players. We have already seen several injuries in the Premier League. We as a coach must take care of the players, says Solskjær.

Click the pic to enlarge.  ANSWER: Frank Lampard is also not enthusiastic about the Premier League regulations when it comes to the number of substitutions.

ANSWER: Frank Lampard is also not enthusiastic about the Premier League regulations when it comes to the number of substitutions.
Photo: (AP)

Several frustrated managers

The Norwegian is far from the only Premier League manager who may be frustrated by today’s rule.

Previously, Jürgen Klopp expressed his annoyance that only three changes are allowed in this hectic season.

He has been supported by Chelsea manager Frank Lampard.

– These are completely unusual times and will not change immediately. The pressure on the players is enormous in all the clubs. “I am not just talking about my team, I am talking about players from all clubs who are asked to play a match day after day and who are at risk of injury,” Lampard said according to the Liverpool Echo.

Lampard predicts that the tough fighting program could have consequences.

-It will be a completely different season and we cannot control it, says Lampard.

United face Arsenal

Several of the best English teams were in action at the European Cups this week. Now a new round of Premier League football awaits you.

For Solskjær and Manchester United, it means a game against Arsenal on Sunday afternoon.

The United manager expects a tough game and the Norwegian praises Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta for the work he has done so far at the London club.

– You can see what he does, that he has his own thoughts and that he has worked with a first-rate coach before. You have a good foundation when you have already won something when you start a career as a manager. I think they have found a coach who wants the best for the club, says Solskjær.

The game starts on Sunday at 5:30 p.m.

This weekend’s Premier League round begins as early as Friday night with Wolverhampton against Crystal Palace at 9pm.
