Wage Party at Oslo School – Call on the Carpet:


– Enough is enough. This is very serious, says KrF top in Oslo Espen Andreas Hasle to Dagbladet.

He is upset after reading Dagbladet’s cases on pay distributions, management coaching and the use of consultants at the Education Agency in Oslo.

And last night, Dagbladet revealed that the agency has requested external aid for 12 million crowns to plan reading tests in primary school. The use of millions was justified by a “lack of competition” in the Education Agency.

After the revelations: - Shocked

After the revelations: – Shocked

This was the last straw for Hasle and KrF.

– It is about the way public funds are managed and the confidence that the Oslo school is in good hands. The school is so important and Dagbladet’s revelations do not give us the necessary confidence in the management of the Oslo school. Far from it, says Hasle.

He says KrF is now considering summoning Thorkildsen for an extraordinary hearing on the management of schools in Oslo.

– The last word has not been said in this case. We must get adequate answers.

Spend millions on American coaching

Spend millions on American coaching

Requires full review

Also in Frp, the dissatisfaction is now great:

– We will request a full review from the Education Agency in Oslo City Hall, where all projects are reviewed, says Aina Stenersen from Frp to Dagbladet.

– We will also consider asking the education agency and the city council to evaluate the position of the Director of Education, Marte Gerhardsen, adds Stenersen.

Add after salary rage

Add after salary rage

New changes announced

Inga Marte Thorkildsen yesterday announced new measures following the Dagbladet case.

“The education agency will implement an internal review of all consulting purchases within the areas of organizational development and the training and development program for managers, and the agency will evaluate each consulting purchase based on the values ​​and management principles of the trust-based leadership and management municipality, “Thorkildsen told Dagbladet.

– The agency will prepare a plan for the phase-out of consulting contracts in these areas with an end date, and a plan to develop competence and capacity under its own auspices. I have a permanent dialogue with the Director of Education and we agree that now there will be changes, continues the councilor.

The teachers are also dissatisfied with the development of the agency.

– The Norwegian Association of Lecturers criticizes the fact that the education agency chooses to spend NOK 12 million on the purchase of new mapping tests when the same agency foresees at the same time a budget adjustment. Why can’t Oslo cope with national mapping tests that are funded by the state? Says David Løvbræk, leader of the Norwegian Associate Professors team in Oslo.

I WANT A FULL REVIEW: FRP director Aina Stenersen is very concerned about the management of the Oslo school after the Dagbladet revelations. Photograph: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet
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– Worrying incompetence

On Thursday, Dagbladet reported that the Education Agency spent NOK 12 million on a tender that provides assistance in taking ordinary reading tests in elementary school.

Aina Stenersen shakes her head that the agency, in her own eyes, lacks the competence to plan and track reading tests for elementary school.

– This is completely unacceptable and shows worrying incompetence and a great waste of urgently needed funds on the front line of the agency. Now we look with very restless eyes at the management of the agency and there seems to be a lack of competition, says Stensersen, who also heads the board of the Frp group in Oslo.

Millions of scouts: - Idiot

Millions of scouts: – Idiot

Strong criticism of Thorkildsen

Marte Gerhardsen is the director of the Education Agency, a job she took on from the controversial Astrid Søgnen. Søgnen was fired after falling out with the responsible councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV).

Since then, the number of directors at the agency has increased and several of them have received solid pay raises outside of pay agreements.

Like Rødt, KrF, Høyre and Venstre, Stenersen now punishes the city council’s handling of its own agency.

CRITICAL: KrF top Espen Andreas Hasle. Photo: Astrid Therese Teisen
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– FRP will also direct strong criticism against the school councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen, says the FRP politician.

Salary, headhunters and coaching

While teachers at the Oslo school are encouraged to have strong salary restraint, several principals have received large salary increases, up to 140,000 kronor a year. This has generated strong reactions, both politically and from many teachers at the Oslo school.

The cases meant that the agency this weekend changed procedures for salary increases among the many directors.

Recently, the agency also took the top spot, going from 22 to 28 directors, despite promises to the contrary. The average salary of directors is at least NOK 1.1 million.

Dagbladet recently reported that the Education Agency has also spent NOK 8 million on Ernst & Young headhunters and consultants. On Wednesday, Dagbladet revealed the use of $ 2.5 million in American leadership training.
