Supermarkets, Wholesale | New Crown Measurements: Set the maximum limit for customers in the store


The lower price must have control over how many people can be in the store at the same time. Joker doesn’t want such drastic measures.

When the corona pandemic broke out this spring, a number of measures were introduced in grocery stores. During the spring, Plexiglas entered the box, signs were posted on the floors that should be kept at least one meter apart, and stores placed hand-held alcohol at the entrance.

The base price also introduced a maximum number of customers in stores less than 100 square meters. This was to avoid congestion in the stores, so that it was not possible to maintain a good enough distance. This summer, when the pressure of the infection was not so great, they relaxed the period.

– Now we have reintroduced it again, but only in areas where the infection pressure is higher. That is, in Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen and other big cities, but also in smaller places where there are local outbreaks, explains Trond Wang, Bunnpris national operations manager.

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Worse on sundays

The background price has as a rule that a maximum of eight customers can be in the store at the same time in stores of less than 100 square meters.

– The pressure on Sundays is worst, and that’s when it’s scariest in terms of infection, he says.

Click the pic to enlarge.  MEASURES: On the Bunnpris poster on the maximum number in the store, they also have five measures that they advise customers to follow: Do not go to the store if you are sick or in quarantine, be careful with hygiene, stay away from others, avoid hoarding and pay by card.

MEASURES: On the Bunnpris poster on the maximum number in the store, they also have five measures that they advise customers to follow: Do not go to the store if you are sick or quarantined, be careful with hygiene, stay away from others, avoid hoarding and pay by card.
Photo: Halvor Ripegutu (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

It was in August that they began to reintroduce the infection control measure, and the store in Trøgstad was one of the first to have a maximum number introduced. This came after the outbreak as a result of a wedding in Sarpsborg.

– When the pressure of the infection began to increase in Oslo as well, it entered several places, says Wang.

You experience that customers think it is a positive measure, but you probably also think that they are losing some customers.

– There are probably some who leave us in line, he says.

Infection control awareness

It’s not just Bunnpris that has more stores under 100 square meters across the country. Norgesgruppen also has it with its Joker stores. However, they have had pretty similar routines since March.

– We have always been very aware of the number of customers in the store at the same time, and we have made sure that sufficient distance has been maintained. However, it has varied whether stores have had a number limit or not, says communications manager Kine Søyland at Norgesgruppen.

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She says they won’t determine a maximum number of customers at Joker stores in the future, as long as the subway rule is upheld.

– If we see that there is great pressure from customers and it becomes too tight, we will place customer hosts to regulate the number of customers and have control of the situation, says Søyland.

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He points out that they already have good infection control measures in place that have worked well, with a distance rule, encouragement to wash hands and not touch other items that you are going to buy, etc. Therefore, he believes that this will continue to go well.

– We carry out continuous evaluations of infection control measures. But we will make sure our stores remain safe for both customers and employees, says Søyland.
