Vincent Loquès killed in attack on a church in Nice


This is confirmed by the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, in a Facebook post.

– His name is Vincent Loquès. He was a worker at the Notre-Dame church in Nice, and this is one of the three smiles that the barbarian Islamist eliminated forever. He was known among many, especially for his big heart and generosity, Estrosi writes in the post.

– My thoughts go out to your family, your loved ones and acquaintances. I also think of the families and survivors of the other two victims, Estrosi writes.

Vincent was 55 years old, he was originally from Saint-Etienne de Tinée in the interior of Nice and had worked as a guardian of the church for ten years, according to sources at Le Parisien. Other media report that he was 54 years old.

“This is a terrible tragedy,” Father Giordan told the newspaper.

– Dedicated

Local politician Eric Ciotti has also posted one social media posts, where he has attached a photo of Loquès. According to the post, he worked as a sacristan (a person responsible for running the sacristy in a church, and especially for preparing services, journal.anm) in the church.

In the post, Ciotti describes the deceased as “extremely dedicated” to the church and sends his condolences to his family and the wider church community.

“Vincent did his job as a sacristan very well,” Gil Florini, parish priest of the Saint-Pierre-d’Arène Catholic Church in Nice, told La Parisien.

STORMS: French police confirm that three people have died after a terrorist attack in Nice. Video: AP / Twitter
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– Under attack

In the early hours of Thursday, the terror alarm sounded again in France. Just over two weeks after the horrific murder of history teacher Samuel Paty in the open air, a man attacked civilians in and around the Notre-Dame church, located on the main Jean Médecin street in Nice. It happened shortly after 9 o’clock.

When the police took action, two people were left dead in the church building. One of them had his throat cut, a fate that Paty also suffered two weeks ago. A third person managed to escape to a nearby bar, but died from his injuries.

In addition, at least six people were injured in the attack. The attack appears to be a target, the church had increased its readiness due to the general terrorist threat.

French President Emmanuel Macron was in Nice early Thursday and spoke about the attack. There he said, among other things, that “France is under attack.”

– If they attack us, it is because of our values. Our values ​​of freedom and our desire not to give in to terror, Macron said.
