At least three dead in Nice


Following the knife drama in Nice on Thursday morning, the alleged perpetrator was arrested and taken to hospital with the injuries he sustained during the arrest. The police are not looking for more involved.

The detainee has personally explained in the interrogation that he is 21 years old, is a Tunisian citizen and calls himself Brahim.

It arrived in France in early October via the Italian island of Lampedusa, confirmed the BFM television channel from a source close to the investigation.

The motive for the attack is currently unknown.

French authorities have confirmed that three people were killed and that several people were injured in the attack. Police also confirmed to Reuters that a woman was beheaded on the spot.

The news agency writes that the perpetrator shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greater in Arabic, journaln.anm.) When he committed the attack.

Murdered in the church

According to BFMTV, two people, a woman and a man, died inside the church.

One of them was Vincent Loquès.

He worked as a church servant at Notre-Dame.

DEAD: Church servant Vincent Loquès was one of the trees killed during the knife attacks in Nice on Thursday.

DEAD: Church servant Vincent Loquès was a tree killed during knife attacks in Nice on Thursday. Photo: Screenshot / Twitter

– I’m completely shocked, says one of the women who knew the man well.

When he learned that it was his church servant who had died, he was shocked.

– I see it in front of me there. Walk lighting candles. Now he’s gone, he says crying.

Another woman says that they were often with the man in church.

– His life was there. This was her home, she says.

The third victim, a woman, managed to escape the assailant and then ran to hide inside a pub.

However, he later died from injuries sustained during the attack.

– Terrorist attacks

The pleasant mayor Christian Estrosi wrote on Twitter that it currently appears that the attack is a terrorist attack.

The antiterrorist unit of the French National Prosecutor’s Office has also launched an investigation into the incident.

Two hours after the attack in Nice, a man was shot and killed by police in Avignon, after threatening to shoot police officers. Another man was also arrested in Saudi Arabia after using a sharp object to stab a guard at the French consulate in the country.

PRAYER: A man prays in front of the Notre-Dame church in Nice.

PRAYER: A man prays in front of the Notre-Dame church in Nice. Photo: Daniel Cole

Raise the level of preparedness

Prime Minister Jean Castex has also stated that the level of preparedness in France will now be further increased.

The level of emergency preparedness had already risen to its second level, but has now risen to the highest of three levels.

– The government’s response to this attack will be strong, immediate and ruthless. The contingency plan will be raised to its highest level for the entire country, Castex said during Thursday’s crisis meeting.

One can elevate preparedness to the third level if there is a threat that one may be exposed to an act of terrorism or other attack.

Large forces with armed police are on the scene at the Notre-Dame church in Nice after the terrorist attack.

Large forces with armed police are on the scene at the Notre-Dame church in Nice after the terrorist attack. Photo: Reuters

Crisis meeting

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called an emergency meeting and called on people to stay away from the area.

Prime Minister Jean Castex has joined the meeting.

“I must again in this difficult situation our country is going through, just ask the whole nation to come together,” Castex told the media.

On Thursday morning, French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Nice.

“Thanks to Head of State Emmanuel Macron for his immediate visit to our city after the new Islamist attack that hit the heart of Nice,” wrote the Mayor of Nice.

Two of France’s former presidents, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, condemned the attack in Nice, calling the action barbaric.

Sarkozy called on France to show “unwavering determination against the enemies of democracy.”

When Macron spoke to the people of Nice, he said that a defense council will meet on Friday, where further action will be taken. It was already decided after the teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded in Paris, on October 16.

He also announced that the protection of schools and churches will be strengthened.

VISITED THE SCENE: The French President, together with the Mayor of Nice, visited the scene of the knife attack on the church of Notre-Dame.

VISITED THE SCENE: The French President, together with the Mayor of Nice, visited the scene of the knife attack on the church of Notre-Dame. Photo: Eric Gaillard

Pump group on site

French police are reporting on Twitter that the bomb squad is on the scene and asking people to stay away from the city center. They write that an explosion that was heard in connection with the attack originated from the police.

– Do not panic, the situation is under control, they write.

The Notre-Dame church is located on Avenue Jean-Medicin, the main street in Nice.

This is a few hundred meters from the seafront where 84 people were killed, when one person drove through a crowd by truck, on French National Day on July 14, 2016. It was also a terrorist attack.

Just over three weeks ago, France was rocked by the knife attack on history teacher Samuel Paty, who was killed and beheaded after showing Muhammad cartoons while teaching freedom of expression.

One woman had her throat slit, while at least two other people were killed in the terrorist attack at the Notre-Dame church in Nice on Thursday.

One woman had her throat slit, while at least two other people were killed in the terrorist attack at the Notre-Dame church in Nice on Thursday. Photo: Valery Hache / AFP

The threat landscape in Norway has not changed

The Police Security Service (PST) says there is currently no change in the threat image in Norway after the knife attack in Nice.

Several people were killed in a knife attack in the French city of Nice on Thursday morning and a terrorist investigation was launched.

– So far there have been no changes in the image of the threats, but it is continually assessed whether the incident has something to say in favor of Norway, says senior adviser Martin Bernsen at PST.
