Enter a curfew to prevent riots


In the American city of Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania, a curfew will be introduced in the city as of Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. local time.

There have been major riots in recent days after 27-year-old Walter Wallace Jr. was shot and killed outdoors by police.

On Monday afternoon, police moved to an address in West Philadelphia after reports of a man who had been seen with a gun. There, the police came across the 27-year-old, who they said was holding a knife.

– Officers ordered him to drop his gun several times. He didn’t, Eric Gripp told police after the incident.

Now the city is taking steps to stop the unrest. All stores must close by 9:00 PM and residents are encouraged to stay indoors.

See more about the tense atmosphere in the city on the top of the case.

The curfew expires on Thursday at six in the morning.

Strong riots

Although some of the demonstrations remained calm, there have been riots between the protesters and the US police.

Protesters have thrown stones, water bottles and other objects at the police, among other things. This has caused several injuries in the riots.

Several have also been arrested for theft, violence and destruction of property.

PAINTED: Protesters lit up a sofa in the middle of one of the streets west of Philadelphia, from night to Thursday Norwegian time.

PAINTED: Protesters lit up a sofa in the middle of one of the streets west of Philadelphia, from night to Thursday Norwegian time. Photo: Gabriella Audi

The governor of the state, Tom Wolf, notes on his Twitter that several of the protesters present have behaved peacefully.

– But their voices are drowned out by others who exploit the situation for chaos, he writes.

14 shots

In a video of the arrest, several shots from the police can be heard. Police Inspector Frank Vanore later testified that the two officers who fired fired seven shots each.

It is not yet clear how many people beat Wallace.

On Wednesday night, the National Guard was asked to assist in the riots that are ravaging the American city.

– Warning: A large number of people of around 1000 people are looting businesses in the area of ​​Castor and Aramigo. Avoid the area, police wrote on Wednesday night Norwegian time.
