– Stop the violence – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


Philadelphia police have tweeted that around 1,000 people have looted shops and police have advised people to avoid certain areas of the city.

The father of the murdered, Walter Wallace Sr., came in last night with a prayer:

– I don’t want you going to destroy and loot shops. I want everyone to respect my family and my son. Stop the violence and chaos, he said.

Strong criticism of the police

While Wallace asked people to stop the looting, he also noted that he believes the police made a big mistake when they shot his son.

– We have good cops and we have bad ones. Someone must be held accountable for what they have done.

The mother of the murdered 27-year-old is also desperate for what happened.

– I yelled at the police not to shoot my son. I begged them. And then they shot him. That was wrong. That was very bad, said Cathy Wallace.

The mother of the murdered Walter Wallace Jr. speaks to the press and audience in Philadelphia.  Cathy Wallace calls for the violence and chaos to stop.

Cathy Wallace is the mother of the murdered Walter Wallace jr. She is desperate for what happened.

Clashes with protesters

An AFP reporter farther west in the city reports clashes between police with batons and dozens of protesters.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has announced that several hundred National Guard soldiers have been mobilized.

They are willing to “protect the right to peaceful assembly and demonstration while keeping people safe.”

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, the police encouraged people to stay inside.

Police had to use pepper spray and clubs against protesters in the area where Wallace was killed on Locust Street. Some were arrested when the police encountered the throwing of stones. One of the policemen was hit by a bottle of water, according to the newspaper.

The day after another police murder

The new riots come the day after 27-year-old Walter Wallace jr. he was shot and killed by the police after, according to officers, he refused to drop a knife. His family says he had a mental illness.

Wallace family attorney Shaka Johnson says an ambulance was called that day to help their sick son and did not ask police to get involved.

Police say according to the AP that Walter Wallace jr. he waved a knife and ignored orders to drop the knife until he was shot.

His parents say the day after the murder that the police officers knew their son was in a state of mental crisis because they had been to the family home three times on the day of the murder.

Scene of the police shooting in Philadelphia, USA on October 26, 2020

Here, police are working at the scene where Walter Wallace Jr. responded was shot and killed on Monday. Wallace was shot after police said he refused to put down a knife.

Photo: Tom Gralish / AP / NTB

More than 90 people were arrested after the clashes during the demonstrations on Monday.

According to NBCNews, around 30 police officers were injured in the riots following the murder Monday night.

Earlier in the night, someone had called the police and seen a man armed with a knife. NBC writes that a cousin of the victim who was present says Wallace was shot in front of his mother and brother.

Extensive demonstrations against racism and police violence have marked the United States after the police murder of George Floyd in May.
