How to solve the maximum rule of ten people


On Monday, Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) introduced a series of new measures in the capital. In addition, there were a series of national social restrictions by Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) hours later.

Full of Confusion with New Coronary Measurements – Here’s the Bottom Line

In the municipality of Oslo, it is recommended that the inhabitants of the capital do not have contact with more than ten people in social contexts per week, apart from those who live together, and cohorts of pre-school and primary education.

Communication and behavior specialist Trond Skjelbred explains that in such a situation one should not take a “top ten list” personally.

– Do not be offended if you are not one of the ten people the other person can meet that week. No one has experienced anything like this before, so here we must be generous, says Skjelbred.

Transfer the work thought to your friends

The expert recommends that you plan your free time in the same way that you plan your work week.

– In a work context, you are happy to make appointments two to three weeks in advance, and that is not a problem. One tip is to transfer the work mindset to friends as well. Plan free time and get-togethers with friends like you do at work, says Skjelbred.

ROUGHN: Communication and behavior specialist Trond Skjelbred asks for generosity and understanding in the moment we are in now.

ROUGHN: Communication and behavior specialist Trond Skjelbred asks for generosity and understanding in the moment that we find ourselves. Photo: Halfdan Hallseth.

The next tip on the list is honesty.

– Do not make excuses that are not true. Let’s say you want to meet the person, but due to restrictions, you cannot meet that week. Your friends will probably show you understanding, even if it may seem brutal to some at first, keep going.

Then comes the spirit of service.

– Meet the person halfway. This is a charity event, so look for a solution that provides action. It can be as simple as saying that it is not possible to meet this week, but at the same time making a suggestion about when it can, for example, two weeks. Then the other person has the feeling that they are together about this, says the communication expert.

Friends list

The author of the book “List Happiness” and organization expert Gunn Beate Reinton Utgård, advises people to make lists of the people they know.

– Having a list, be it analog or digital, will make it much easier to keep track of who and how many you know. The number ten seems big in your head, but when you write it down, awareness increases and the responsibility of how many you can meet such measurements, says Utgård.

LISTS: Gunn Beate Reinton Utgård has been provoking and urging the writing of lists for several years.

LISTS: Gunn Beate Reinton Utgård has been provoking and urging the writing of lists for several years. Photo: Private

According to Utgård, a list can help you feel involved in the workday.

– If you have reached ten people in the course of five days, the threshold to meet the eleventh person will be higher as it has been signed up. Now up to ten people have come for a good cause, so joining the charity event may be a good move, he says.

– Do not use close contact

If the recommendation of a maximum of ten people in a week persists over time, the author of the list recommends writing down the people you want to meet on the list.

– First of all, I wanted to make a list of those who usually hang out with when it is not corona. You can make a list of family members, friends, and who it is natural to meet. Then you take more control over social life and make sure you get to know who you need to meet, he explains.

In such a list, one should think about who needs to spend their time.

– Don’t use close contact with those who don’t care. Count how many you really want to meet. Who can give me something and to whom I can give something back should be priorities, he says.

New rules

As in Oslo, the authorities issued national guidelines on social life. The new measures will take effect from Thursday.

In private homes, you should have no more than five guests in addition to household members.

In addition, there cannot be more than 50 participants in private meetings in public places or in rented premises. The same goes for Christmas dinners. This is a reduction of the previous one, where 200 participants could attend said meeting.
