Work: – The City Council has closed the nightlife in Oslo


Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) reported today on the new measures that will be implemented in Oslo from Thursday 29 October.

Among the measures are stopping the entrance to nightclubs at 10 p.m., a maximum of 20 participants in events without a fixed seat, and an order for bandaging inside restaurants for employees and guests in all situations in which it is not be seated at a table.

Virke believes that the Oslo City Council has effectively shut down nightlife with the new measures.

– Therefore, it will be crucial with measures aimed at the industry for it to survive, says Ivar Horneland Kristensen, CEO of Virke.

He believes that the current tightening in Oslo will make it demanding for many companies in the commerce and services industry, and especially catering and nightlife. He fears that places will be forced to close their doors forever.

– These companies already have significant earnings issues as a result of the shutdown and infection control restrictions, and these will have a ripple effect for years to a low-margin industry, says Horneland Kristensen.
