Is it time to close the Polet and beer sales?


This may be a low price to pay to keep the society open.

Roger Gjelsvik asks if it is really possible to demand that people keep their distance while under the influence of alcohol. Photo: Ørjan Deisz (file)

  • Roger gjelsvik

    Bergen Center

Published Published


This is a discussion post. The post is written by an external contributor and quality assured by BT’s discussion department. Opinions and analyzes are those of the author.

So we have to close come down again. People are infected in festive groups, often in private gatherings. Prelude and party: under the influence of alcohol? Is it really possible to demand that people keep their distance when they are under the influence of alcohol?

Maybe it’s time to close Polet and sell alcohol in stores soon? So we avoid house parties and things like that? Is this too intrusive in people’s daily lives?

Or is that A low price to pay to keep the society open, with people at work, confirmations and legal family visits with more than ten people? Besides the open restaurants, so you can visit the lonely elderly at home or in a nursing home, and keep the whole sport going?

Something to think about?

The post was first published on Facebook.

