Politics, Political parties Rasmus Hansson withdraws from combat due to nominations


Rasmus Hansson (66) of the Green Party withdraws from the Oslo MDG nomination process, leaving second place to Hulda Holtvedt (21).

Hansson confirms this in a message on Facebook Saturday night.

– I told the nominating committee that my prerequisite was a clear mandate and recommendation for second place. Not because I’ve gotten even higher than before, but because I need to know that the party really wants me if I’m going to bet as much as the election campaign and parliamentary seat require, Hansson writes.

Lan Marie Berg (33) describes himself as the first candidate, while Hansson and Hulda Holtvedt announced that they are only candidates for second place.

– I did not join this process to fight for a good term in front of Hulda. Then he better get a unanimous mandate and be able to do a juicy job in the election campaign and in the Storting, writes Hansson.

Hansson sat at the Storting for Oslo as the sole representative of the MDGs from 2013 to 2017. Today he is the CEO of Handelens Miljøfond. Since 2017, Holtvedt has been the national spokesperson for Green Youth.

Opinion polls in recent months have given the MDGs hope of succeeding in two direct Oslo terms. In the 2021 elections, Oslo has 20 of the 169 parliamentary representatives.

(© NTB)
