I want more adults in school: a six-year-old girl was raped on the way to school on Friday – NRK Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio


– The way from school must be safe for children. We will keep an eye on it more in the future, says the municipal manager of education in the municipality of Trondheim, Eva Elisabeth Belboe.

On Friday afternoon, police were notified that a man had approached a six-year-old girl on her way home from the Breidablikk school.

According to the police, the girl has described that the man touched her. Police believe that the incident falls under the section dealing with the rape of minors under 14 years of age.

– We take this incident very seriously. This has happened in a residential area during the day to a boy who was on his way home from school. We have put all available resources into the investigation, says the lawyer for the police in the Trøndelag police district, Bente Bøklepp.

Police first issued a press release and a photo of a person who was in the area at the relevant time. This person has now reported and been granted witness status in the case.

Wanted in Trondheim

CASE VERIFIED: On Saturday, the police wanted to contact the person in this photo taken in the Heimdal area. You are now registered and have witness status.

Photo: Police

On Saturday afternoon and evening, the police worked with surveys in the area.

– Technical investigations, interrogations are taking place and we want to get in touch with people who have video recordings of the area, says Bøklepp.

No one has been arrested

So far no one has been arrested or arrested in the case and the police are investigating thoroughly.

– The police have no information that this is more than a single episode, and we have not been notified that others have been exposed to the same. The perpetrator has not been arrested, and therefore we encourage parents to be a little more vigilant, says Bøklepp.

Police, Breidablikk, Trondheim

DOOR TO DOOR: Police are conducting inspections in the relevant area in Trondheim on Saturday.

Photo: Bjarte Johannesen

The police have also contacted the school.

– The police take the incident very seriously and have requested the necessary resources that are important to the case. We have all the pressure on the investigation, says Bøklepp on Saturday afternoon.

– This is a difficult and sad case. The family and the girl are cared for. Service for children and families is available if you wish. Both the school management and the girl’s teachers are informed and will do their best to give her the most normal school days possible in the future, Belboe says.

It will be extra with adults around the school starting Monday.

– There will be extra with adults around the school. It is important to us to protect children and take good care of them, says Belboe.

Calling witnesses

The police are asking witnesses to report.

If someone has made video recordings with, for example, a car, a phone or a surveillance camera, the police want to be contacted.

– We are interested in all the recordings. Regardless of whether they may be perceived as insignificant, it can be left to the police to decide whether or not they are valuable, says Bøklepp.

Police lawyer Bente Bøklepp.

CALL FOR WITNESSES: The lawyer for the police in the Trøndelag police district, Bente Bøklepp, asks everyone who was outside in the area of ​​the school Breidablikk – Mentz Skjetnes vei and Distriktslege Øverlids vei on Friday afternoon that they report to the police.

Photo: Ole-Jørgen Finnes / NRK

The police do not link this violation with other cases.

– There are no reports of further incidents. There is no reason to believe this is more than a single incident. At the same time, we have a perpetrator who has not been arrested, says Bøklepp.
