This could be Trump’s great opportunity to regain leadership from Biden


The rules were changed before tonight’s American presidential debate. In an attempt to achieve a more polite tone, the program management will have the opportunity to turn off the debaters’ microphone.

  • In the video above, you can follow the broadcast that starts at 02 Norwegian time. The debate itself starts at 03 and lasts for 90 minutes.

Rumors from Joe Biden’s camp are that the Democratic presidential candidate is bracing himself for tough questions about his son Hunter Biden. He was a burden to his father even before the latest scandal.

A week before the debate, The New York Post received emails that give the impression that Hunter is constantly trying to make money from his father’s position.

The source of the emails was Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani. The big liberal media have been careful to cover them. This has led to strong accusations that they are protecting Joe Biden.

The media’s defense is that the material has not been confirmed to have actually originated from Hunter’s computer. In the hours before the debate, Politico published a case on why they are so careful.

Also in the first debate, before the last leak, Trump attacked the opponent’s son. According to American commentators, Joe Biden dealt with the attacks in a way that many viewers perceived as understanding. Biden confirmed that the son has had a substance abuse problem and has had trouble getting back on his feet.

But the questions may get more concrete and conflicting this time.

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Photo: Patrick Semansky / AP

Will let Trump be Trump

While Donald Trump has traveled from public meeting to public meeting and clearly received energy from enthusiastic voters, Joe Biden has been with close associates and prepared for debate.

According to The Hill, Biden’s strategists are happy with the way Trump destroyed himself in the earlier debate. In the time since, the president has been infected with the crown, downplaying the disease that has killed more than 200,000 Americans and is more concerned with attacking everyone else than saying what he wants to do with the country.

This suits Biden. Your advisers want your candidate to act as a statesman.

In the debate tonight, each of them has two minutes to answer questions, before they can argue with each other. During these two minutes, the opponent’s microphone is muted. This has been decided against the will of the Trump camp.

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Photo: Morry Gash / AP Pool

Republicans want more politics

In an interview with the 60 Minutes show, Trump made it clear that he doesn’t think Biden will need more days to prepare, but that he is in hiding. He himself clearly has confidence in his own ability to improvise.

In recent days, the US media has written extensively about an incipient conflict between Trump and his party colleagues in Congress. They are eager for their own positions. If Trump makes a bad decision, he could drive other Republicans out of politics.

Attitude polls show that the biggest issue for voters in the elections is the crown pandemic and economic recession. Every minute Trump spends attacking Biden instead of discussing these issues is a waste if he wants to win over skeptics.

But in recent days, opinion polls have shown that the gap between Trump and Biden has narrowed.

These debates usually have little effect on opinion polls. But in some tip states, the margins are very tight. So a good or bad debate can convince a few tens of thousands of voters. And that may be enough.
