Russia and Norway are arming and waging war in the north


On the Kola Peninsula in Russia, there are now a total of around 50,000 soldiers.

It shows, among other things, video recordings of the Russian defense, NRK informed Dagsrevyen on Thursday night.

– They practice near the Norwegian border. They have a driving range that goes a few kilometers from the border line, Defense Chief Eirik Kristoffersen tells NRK.

Strengthen the defense of the land

The photo was released by the Russian Defense Ministry on September 22, 2020 and shows paratroopers during a military exercise in southern Russia.  Photo: Vadim Grishankin / Press Service of the Russian Defense Ministry via AP) Photo: Vadim Grishankin / AP

The photo was released by the Russian Defense Ministry on September 22, 2020 and shows paratroopers during a military exercise in southern Russia. Photo: Vadim Grishankin / Press Service of the Russian Defense Ministry via AP) Photo: Vadim Grishankin / AP

At the same time, Norway is in the process of rebuilding its military presence in northern Norway.

The number of soldiers in the Porsangermoen military camp is now 200, and the plan is for the ground defense in Finnmark, which is controlled from the garrison, to increase to 3,000 soldiers.

– Prevent war

– The most important task we have is to prevent war. It is important that we have Norwegian forces on Norwegian soil, and that we are clearly present, says the Chief of Defense.

Additionally, NATO and the United States have become more active in the region.

Video: Russian inspectors go to Norway to monitor “Trident Juncture”
