Made shocking finds in a popular children’s game


The Baby Born doll has been popular for over 20 years. The special thing is that he can drink, eat and swim. Now, it is not advisable to let the doll swim with the child.

– It’s disgusting. That you play with things like that is really scary, says Silje mother Kristin Borg-Vatne. The family has several Baby Born dolls, one of which has been passed down from mother to daughter Ane-Emilie (6).

SURPRISED: Mother Silje Kristin Borg-Vatne and daughter Ane-Emilie Vatne Gaup (6) were shocked when they saw mold inside the older dolls.

SURPRISED: Mother Silje Kristin Borg-Vatne and daughter Ane-Emilie Vatne Gaup (6) were shocked when they saw mold inside the older dolls. Photo: Pernille V. Dvergedal / TV 2 helps you.

It can make children sick

Because what makes Baby Born special also provides good conditions for the growth of bacteria and fungi inside the doll. The older it is, the more mold and bacteria you will likely find inside the doll.

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It could be dangerous. Last week the news came of Baylor, two years old, who became seriously ill from growing inside his bath toy.

The chief physician at Oslo University Hospital, Tonje Reier Nilsen, is an expert on allergies and lung diseases in children. She believes that mold is more unpleasant than dangerous and is more concerned about bacteria growing on the dolls.

– Especially if the child ingests this water, they can suffer stomach upset, diarrhea and vomiting. You can also get infections like cataracts or ear infections, she says.

There are especially intestinal bacteria, which can enter the doll when the child bathes with it, which worries the shrimp.

– I think I would probably not recommend having the doll in the bath water for the child, says the pediatrician.

This is how the test is done

INVESTIGATOR: Mycoteam CEO Kolbjørn Mohn Jenssen and consultant Malin Siljedahl examine the dolls.

INVESTIGATOR: Mycoteam CEO Kolbjørn Mohn Jenssen and consultant Malin Siljedahl examine the dolls. Photo: TV 2 helps you.

TV 2 helps you check the inside of six Baby Born dolls from different families. Three are from the Silje Kristine Borg-Vatne family. The age of the dolls ranges between four and 25 years.

In addition, the publishers bought a new doll, which they bathed and fed for three months. After each time, they followed the cleaning process recommended in the instructions for use.

After bathing or feeding the doll, clean it by feeding it with soapy water, then clean water, then water with vinegar, and then clean water again. Also, the doll must be dried until it is used again. A time-consuming cleaning process that families with young children are unlikely to take time to.

All the dolls were examined in a laboratory of the Mycoteam company.

Also the new doll has intestinal bacteria.

NEW DOLL: Also on the new doll that was cleaned well after every bath and feeding, there were intestinal bacteria.

NEW DOLL: Also on the new doll that was cleaned well after every bath and feeding, there were intestinal bacteria. Photo: Pernille V. Dvergedal / TV 2 helps you.

Older dolls have mold and a lot of bacteria inside them. When the dolls are opened, you can clearly see the mold growing inside.

All but one of the dolls have a lot of bacteria growing inside them. In three of the dolls there are also intestinal bacteria.

– It’s as dirty as a bathroom drain inside. All types of bacteria grow in all but one, says Mycoteam CEO Kolbjørn Mohn Jenssen.

It is the four-year-old doll that has no bacteria inside. He has not been bathed or fed the “doll food” that comes with Baby Born, but only has clean water to drink.

GROSS: There was clear dirt inside the pipes inside the doll.  Here's the inside of one of the oldest dolls in over 20 years.

GROSS: There was clear dirt inside the pipes inside the doll. Here’s the inside of one of the oldest dolls in over 20 years. Photo: Pernille V. Dvergedal / TV 2 helps you.

– If you feed these dolls and bathe with them, you will get greenery inside, says Jenssen.

BLACK MUSHROOMS: Inside the oldest dolls and the eight year old doll, Mycoteam found mushrooms.

BLACK MUSHROOMS: Inside the oldest dolls and the eight year old doll, Mycoteam found mushrooms. Photo: Pernille V. Dvergedal / TV 2 helps you.

The new doll, which has been cleaned after every bath, has a lot of bacteria inside it.

– This doll has quite a rich yeast flora and various intestinal bacteria inside. Slightly more gut bacteria than the others, Jenssen says.

The bacteria comes from the boy you bathed with.

However, no mold has been found, which may indicate that the cleaning process helps with mold, but not bacteria.

The manufacturer makes changes

Germany’s Zapf Creation AG is the company behind Baby Born. Wolfgang Hoffmann, Chief Marketing and Product Development Officer, says Baby Born is a safe toy:

– In general, toys, and especially those in contact with water, are known to be exposed to contamination. Therefore, it is important to be very careful to follow our recommendations for the doll and to clean and dry it properly according to the instructions. This will minimize mold growth, Hoffmann says.

He emphasizes that dolls over the age of 20 were not designed to be bathed, but could be fed.

Recognize that all bath toys with holes are exposed to both fungi and bacteria, and that young children are exposed as they can swallow the water in which they bathe. Therefore, the manufacturer changes the instructions for use of the doll, from now on it will advise against letting the doll bathe with the child.

– We fully agree with Tonje Reier-Nilsen. So if you wash, dry, and follow this advice, we think the doll is 100% safe, says Hoffmann.
