– She is fucking fine


GLOSTRUP / OSLO (Dagbladet): Peter Madsen risks two years in prison for escaping from the Danish Albertlund prison.

Madsen has already been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall. He is convicted of killing her aboard his homemade submarine Nautilus.

At ten o’clock the court hearing began in the Glostrup Municipal Court. There, Madsen explains, among other things, why and how he escaped from jail, and the police also present what evidence they have.

POLICEMAN: Police arrested Madsen shortly thereafter. Photo: Nils Meilvang / Ritzau / NTB
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Among other things, police believe Madsen received help with the escape.

Madsen appeared in court wearing the same clothing he was wearing during yesterday’s escape attempt, namely a black shoe, blue work pants and a dark blue jacket.

The court hearing is closed.

Madsen pleads guilty to all charges in the indictment.

THE DEFENSE: Anders Larsen, Peter Madsen’s defender, on his way to the court. Photo: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen / Dagbladet
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– Human shield

Madsen spent about five minutes at large before being arrested again.

He is accused, among other things, of using a prison psychologist as a human shield and of threatening both the police and civilians.

– She has been left in a state of helplessness, and we know for sure that it is one of the things that hits the psyche the most afterwards. So she is very good. Everyone has that, says Bo Yde Sørensen of the Danish Prison Association to BT.

WALKING BY: New photos from surveillance cameras show Peter Madsen escaping from prison. Journalist: Emilie Rydning. Video: BT.
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It is also said that he was equipped with a pistol-like object and a fake bomb belt.

Madsen was arrested in a white van, a few hundred meters from the prison.

According to the indictment, Madsen must have sat in the truck and said “drive, drive, drive, otherwise I’ll shoot,” BT writes.

The escape attempt led to a huge police action, involving, among other things, the bomb squad and heavily armed policemen.

Former Police Officers: - Typical B-gang trick

Former Police Officers: – Typical B-gang trick

It is expected to tighten

Since Madsen has already been sentenced to life imprisonment, the Danish prison service is expected to find other ways to punish the attempted escape.

Among other things, Madsen is expected to toughen the privileges he has access to in prison.

Among other things, he has previously had access to the workshop at the prison.
