Melania Trump cancels assistance due to coronary symptoms


Initially, Melania Trump will attend President Trump’s election campaign meeting in Pennsylvania, which will take place the night before Wednesday Norwegian time.

However, according to CNN, the first lady has felt compelled to cancel plans for her own assistance.

– Your form is improving with each passing day, but due to the cough, and be careful, you will not attend the election meeting today, says Stephanie Grisham, secretary to the first lady.

The first lady was not going to speak at the election meeting. According to CNN, he will also not attend upcoming election campaign meetings for the foreseeable future.

Long time not see you

– People like that only care about their own interests.

If one ignores a Republican meeting at the White House in August, this would have been the first personal appearance of the first lady at an election campaign meeting in more than a year.

The last time the first lady appeared at such an event was when she attended Trump’s first election rally in his second presidential campaign, in Florida in June of last year.

– like a roller coaster

Last week, the first lady wrote about her own symptoms.

Melania said that she herself had few symptoms when she was diagnosed, but that the symptoms hit her “like a roller coaster” in the days after testing positive.

The first lady further said that it was characterized by bodily pain, cough, headache and generalized fatigue.

Melania themselves and President Trump confirmed that they had been infected with the coronavirus on October 2.
