Against toll records also in 2020 – E24


In the crown year 2020, around NOK 12.3 billion will be paid in tolls, estimates the Ministry of Transport and Communications. This is a new record for the eleventh year in a row.

In the crown year 2020, it appears that around NOK 12.3 billion will be paid in tolls, estimates the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Again it is a new record. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB


Preliminary figures for 2020 show tolls paid totaling NOK 12.3 billion (2020 price level), it is stated in a ministry response to a budget question from the Center Party.

The amount appears to include estimates of additional fees paid.

In the government’s budget proposal recently presented, it was noted that a new record for tolls paid was set last year. In 2019, a total of NOK 12.1 billion was paid.

The remaining toll debt at the end of 2019 amounted to NOK 62 billion.

Requirements in negotiations

A new record has been set for tolls paid each year since 2010, the figures show. In 2010, NOK 8.1 billion were paid in tolls.

– This shows the deception that Frp has been doing. They give the impression of wanting to reduce tolls, while the results show that they increased every year that the FRP was in government, Sigbjørn Gjelsvik, SP fiscal politician, tells NTB.

The Progress Party has been in government since 2013, but as is well known, it left the coalition in January this year. The FRP national board has decided to demand toll cuts in this fall’s budget negotiations with the Conservative, Christian Democratic and Liberal government parties in the Storting.

– The parliamentary group should demand a reduced toll charge for most people in relation to the state budget for 2021, the party demands.

Cut in the way

At the same time, the figures show that the state allocation for highway purposes has increased dramatically since 2010.

However, the FRP has reacted to the fact that the government in its budget proposal proposes a cut in the allocation for roads of 1.1%, from NOK 36.7 billion to NOK 36.3 billion in 2021.

– We react strongly to the fact that investment in roads is weakened in the government proposal for the state budget 2021, says county leader Gustav Bahus in Vestland Frp.

The county team managed to secure a majority for its resolution on road investment at this weekend’s national meeting. The editorial committee would be content to present the matter to the parliamentary group without considering it at the national meeting.

– In light of the corona crisis, we now also have a unique opportunity to accelerate public projects to secure employment in the construction industry and thus counter rising unemployment, says Bahus.
