Furious after Trump’s speech: – This kind of rhetoric that put me and my family in danger


In early October, several people were arrested in Michigan on suspicion of conspiring to kidnap Democratic Gov. Grechen Whitmer from her vacation home.

“Lock her up”

Several of the men are linked to the far-right Boogaloo movement. The kidnapping plans became a topic during Donald Trump’s election rally, and the president generally spoke tepidly about Whitmer.

“Hopefully they fire her soon,” Trump said.

At one point, onlookers yelled “lock her up” repeatedly.

– I think they threatened her, right? And she blamed me! Our people were the ones who worked with her. We’ll see what happens, Trump responded then.

Strike back

Governor Whitmer reacts strongly on Twitter night to Sunday Norwegian time.

– It is precisely this rhetoric that endangered me, my family and others who work for the lives of the authorities as we work to save our fellow citizens. This must stop, he says.

Your digital manager, Tori Saylor, also responds:

– Every time the president does this at an electoral rally, the violent rhetoric against her on social media immediately increases. This must end. It just has to stop, Saylor says.

In charge of planning a kidnapping

According to AP, the defendant had planned the kidnapping for several months training with militiamen. Four men had also planned to meet this week to pay for and exchange explosives and other equipment.

Adam Fox, who is described as a leader of the group, is also said to have purchased an electro-shock weapon to use during the kidnapping.

He explained that the group would try Gretchen Whitmer in court, for treason.

On Friday, a federal judge ruled that five men related to the threat would be brought to justice, according to CNN.

Brandon Caserta, Adam Fox, Kaleb Franks, Ty Garbin, and Daniel Harris have been charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer. So far, charges have been brought against a total of 14 people.
