Trump crushed by Biden in television duel


After much uncertainty, the second presidential debate ended, since President Donald Trump, as is well known, had become infected with the crown just after the first debate and refused to participate in the second virtual one.

Rather, the two presidential candidates each held their televised rally on Friday night: Biden in Philadelphia and Trump in Miami.

According to viewers, Joe Biden trashed Trump’s broadcast. Among other things, the AP news agency and the Washington Post mention the figures.

While Biden’s broadcast reached 14.1 million people on ABC television, Trump had 13.5 million on NBC, CNBC and MSNBC in total, according to figures from analytics firm The Nielsen Company.

Trump was expected to reach more viewers simply because the broadcast aired on three channels, writes the AP news agency. NBC received strong criticism ahead of time for putting Trump’s session at the same time that Biden was on the air on ABC.

Despite this, Trump was hit by Biden’s public meeting, which was only broadcast on one channel. According to CNN, Trump reached 10.9 million viewers on the main channel NBC, while the rest watched the broadcast through the other two.

- Biden turns corrupt Hillary into an amateur

– Biden turns corrupt Hillary into an amateur

Large public gatherings

Trump has lately tried to ridicule his opponent because he himself gathers large crowds for his rallies. These have been the subject of criticism as people are very close together and many do not wear face masks.

Biden, on the other hand, has a different strategy, a much more infection-friendly strategy. For example, gather small groups of people at a time.

Most recently, at the rally in Macon, Georgia, on Saturday night, Trump said “Biden had a rally today and 13 people showed up.”

“He has no idea what he’s doing,” Trump said.

HIGH TEMPERATURE: Trump received a series of critical questions from the NBC host during Thursday’s live interview. Video: NBC via AP
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Also ahead of the Norwegian time Friday night telecast, the Trump campaign was very confident and senior adviser Jason Miller said they would “have a much larger audience than Joe,” according to CNN.

But when viewership figures showed otherwise, Biden’s campaign responded:

– It seems like last night people were interested in seeing a leader with a clear plan to control this pandemic and get Americans back to work, than the same belligerent and chaotic liar whose incompetence got us into this mess – no matter how many channels was, wrote the campaign’s press secretary, TJ Ducklo Twitter.

The figures published by Nielsen are just a measure of television viewers, according to CNN. Both public meetings were also streamed online, so he was able to watch the broadcast on smartphones and computers. Additionally, the television station writes that there is no industry standard for measuring all the different ways public gatherings were displayed.

TWO WORLDS: While Joe Biden is wary of infection control rules during his election campaign, the situation is completely different at Donald Trump’s public gatherings. Video / Photo: NTB / AP
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Hailed and sacrificed

Trump’s rally in Miami was an interview and interrogation that was hailed and massacred.

All of the biggest headlines came from a portion of the TV show where NBC anchor Savannah Guthrie questioned the president.

Refses: - Disgusting

Refses: – Disgusting

The intense, multi-minute exchange of comments between Trump and Guthrie began with the question of whether he would condemn the white extremists, once and for all.

– I condemn the white extremists, okay? I’ve been doing this for years, replied a clearly upset president.

MIAMI: The temperature was high in Miami, where President Donald Trump was under pressure from minute one. Hosted by Savannah Guthrie. Photo: Reuters / NTB
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More comfortable for Biden

Biden’s public meeting in Philadelphia was in contrast to Trump’s.

Biden calmly responded to questions from ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and voters, harshly criticizing Trump’s handling of the crown and foreign policy.

“America first led America to be alone,” Biden said.

Biden promised that before the election he will give a clear answer on whether he will try to expand the number of justices on the country’s Supreme Court if Democrats clear the table in the November elections.

PHILADELPHIA: Among other things, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to give a clear answer on whether he wants to expand the Supreme Court during the public meeting. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images / AFP
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Debate next week

Just over two weeks before Election Day, there is still a presidential debate.

The two candidates are scheduled to meet in Nashville on Thursday of the week. Biden said Thursday that he intends to run, but added that he will ask Trump to take a COVID-19 test before the debate.

Actual Election Day is November 3. Biden has accumulated a significant advantage in national opinion polls and also leads in the tip states that can be decisive for the outcome of the election.
