Storting politicians react to rising food prices


The increase in food prices in Norway is stronger than that of other products. The MP Kårstein Løvaas (H) reacts to this.

Kårstein Løvaas (H) Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

According to Statistics Norway, the price increase for food and non-alcoholic beverages is 3.8% in September compared to the same month the previous year.

By comparison, the total index, which measures inflation for all goods, is 1.6%.

– So I wonder when the industry has record sales. When we all go to grocery stores, when we don’t travel to Sweden, when we buy everything in stores and sales go up maybe as much as 20 percent, why should prices increase? Løvaas tells NRK.

He is the spokesperson for the Storting report on groceries.

However, the grocery industry itself wants to nuance the picture.

– In general, the prices are not much higher. If they are now in September, it is partly due to currency changes. And then we have eliminated the supplier price increases, and then the farmers have received a well-deserved agricultural agreement that also appears in the form of increased prices for the consumer, says communications director Bjørn Takle Friis at Coop.

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