Kindergarten in Stavanger closes two rooms after infection


This is what the communications director of Espira, Jens Schei Hansen, tells TV 2.

– There are two departments that are closed and the municipality has started the work of monitoring infections. An estimated 40 children and between 10 and 15 employees have been told to stay home, he says.

At 1:48 p.m., Schei Hansen reports that 46 people are spoken in total. 38 children and eight kindergarten employees must stay home until further notice.

Collaborate with the municipality

The kindergarten is now working closely with the municipality.

– Our routines have been followed and what we do now is commissioned by the Stavanger municipal chief. During the day, the municipality will report who will be quarantined as a result of this, Schei Hansen says.

An employee of the Espira Fjellsenden kindergarten in the Tasta district has been diagnosed with coronavirus.

22 are in quarantine

Stavanger City Chief Runar Johannessen is familiar with the case.

– I can confirm that we have a positive case in a kindergarten in Stavanger. In this case, there are preliminary indications that the source of infection is outside the kindergarten, he says and continues:

– Therefore, there is no indication that this has spread to a kindergarten outbreak, but we follow the usual recommendations of quarantining all close contacts and conducting general testing when necessary.

At 2:35 p.m., Aftenbladet reports that 18 children and four kindergarten employees are in quarantine for ten days.
