Elections in the US: Harris cancels trip after corona infection


Sen. Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential candidate, cancels all trips for the weekend after an infection was detected among Harris campaign personnel.

This was stated by the election campaign leadership in a statement Thursday afternoon, according to the Washington Post.

Two people working for Harris’ election campaign tested positive for the coronavirus. Now they have been put in isolation.

ATTACK: Shortly after it became clear that Jo Biden’s vice presidential candidate would be Kamala Harris, Donald Trump posted this video on Twitter.
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– No close contact

In the statement from the election campaign leadership of Joe Bidens and Kamala Harris, it is emphasized that those infected have not had close contact with the vice-presidential candidate Harris, as defined by the CDC, the US infection control agency.

Harris has not been in contact with any of these in the two days before they took the positive tests and consequently there is no quarantine requirement, the statement said.

However, the electoral campaign wants to take additional precautions, the statement emphasizes. They emphasize that Harris will continue to campaign, but that it will take place virtually.

PIECES: President Donald Trump once again approached his opponent in the battle for the office of Joe Biden during the convention in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Video: AP
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Trump crownsmittet

In early October, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, became infected with the coronavirus and, at one point, had to be hospitalized, where he received an experimental treatment with antibodies and steroids.

After a weekend, the president was discharged and a week after his discharge, he was discharged. Then he immediately began holding large public meetings, much to the despair of infection control experts.

In Florida, earlier this week, he gathered several thousand listeners and repeated the affair in Pennsylvania two days later. On Friday he travels again to Florida and will again hold a similar public meeting.

TWO WORLDS: While Joe Biden is careful about infection control rules during his election campaign, the situation is completely different at Donald Trump’s public gatherings. Video / Photo: NTB / AP
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Infection control

Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate, also meets with voters, but on a much smaller scale and in other ways than Trump.

On the same day that Trump held his first public meeting after the crown recall announcement, Biden held two election campaign meetings in Ohio.

One event took place outdoors, and it was an event called a drive-in in which the audience sat in their cars while Biden spoke.

After this, Biden stopped for another event, and then the ceiling was set at 20 people, who were wearing face masks and sitting in chairs at least one meter apart.

Danish virology professor Allan Randrup Thomsen described the difference as follows:

– Like night and day
