Bjørndalen’s brother-in-law on the attack: – Shocked and scared


On Sunday, Nikita Domratsjev, Ole Einar Bjørndalen’s brother-in-law, was assaulted and arrested by the Belarusian police.

Domratsjev is the brother of biathlete Darya Domratsjeva, who is better known among Norwegians as Bjørndalen’s wife.

– They surrounded me in a bus and verbally attacked me with ugly words. He was shocked, scared and seriously injured, Domrachev tells Dagbladet.

Violent demonstrations

In a post on Facebook, Darya Domracheva commented on the episode and the state of the country.

“On the one hand, it does not help to use aggressive words, and on the other hand, it is absolutely unnecessary to shoot, arrest and beat people on the street,” wrote Domracheva in Russian, which is reproduced by VG.

“At the moment, I do not see that I can take any steps that can really help solve the problems in the country,” Domracheva wrote.

There have been violent demonstrations in Belarus since the re-election of President Alexander Lukashenko in August.

– she is a hostage

According to Dagbladet, Domracheva has been criticized for not distancing herself from the actions of the police.

Nikita Domrachev defends her sister.

I believe that everyone has to have their own opinions about things that happen in life. Darja has worked hard all her career and among other things she has built the house in Belarus and wants to live here. Instead, she is a hostage in this situation. She tries to say what is correct, but does so quietly. he tells Dagbladet.

Several videos show how Domrachev was brutally attacked by the police on an open street. He himself believes that he has not participated in any demonstration and that he only passed by bicycle when he was attacked.

At the police station, he signed a document stating that he participated in the demonstrations. He tells Dagbladet that he signed something he didn’t agree with, but that he did it to go to the hospital.
