Missed homework after “fuck Thursday”


On Wednesday it became known that several cases of sexual harassment and unwanted behavior have been revealed in the police service.

Norwegian Police University College now writes in a press release that it supports the Police Director’s proposal for zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

They also claim that in 2018 a series of measures were introduced following the advice of the student community.

Instructors removed

In this regard, some instructors have been informed that they were not wanted at school.

“In some cases, instructors have been informed that we do not want the person to return to our work,” the Police Academy writes in the press release.

They do not indicate how many instructors there are.

Worried about

Worried about “fucking Thursday”

In addition, these measures were introduced:

  • Letters to the instructors who will participate in our camping stays. We clarify responsibility and role, and we point out that there should not be inappropriate approaches and relationships with students.
  • At the beginning of the sessions, this is repeated, the students also receive the same message, about their responsibility.
  • We have also imposed restrictions on meetings and parties.
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In dialogue with student councils

Nina Skarpenes, rector of the Police Academy, told Dagbladet yesterday that they have had cases where instructors have not been rehired at camp B3 after an incident.

– Once the focus on this issue has been renewed, we will have a dialogue with our student councils. The purpose is to get as much up-to-date information and impressions as possible, directly from the students. We also want to highlight and remember our notification channels. We want students who experience something unpleasant to say so clearly, Skarpenes says in the press release.

CAREER: Radio Rock host Halvor Johansson takes a hard line against “fuck Thursday” allegations by the police, in the satirical column “Ta deg sammen” on Radio Rock’s Stå Opp show. Video: Radio Rock
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– Zero tolerance

In addition, it says that so far they are not aware of specific cases that may warrant a follow-up as personnel cases or towards a possible review and investigation.

-But we will not hesitate to address these issues, if we have a sufficient basis, says the director.

– There must be zero tolerance in the agency for sexual harassment. And it should be safe to be a student at the Police Academy, he emphasizes.

Do you have information on the case? Send us a message at [email protected] or encrypted in Securedrop.
