Groceries | Candy giant warns of mass layoffs


The company is based in Strømstad and has shops along the Norwegian border, where many Norwegians often shop. You will find Gottebiten in both Nordby and Svinesund.

Now 80 of Gottebiten’s employees have received a layoff notice, writes the Strömstads Tidning newspaper.

– You feel very sad, says an employee, who was notified on Tuesday and who wishes to remain anonymous, to the newspaper.

– But it was expected. We knew this was going to happen. We have no customers, it has been empty since March. If there are no customers, you can’t have employees, so I understand that they do it even if it feels difficult, he explains.

More than 95 percent of Gottebiten’s customers are Norwegians who cross the Swedish border to shop, and after the crown pandemic broke out in Norway, naturally the number of Norwegians shopping at the border has dropped dramatically.

According to Dagbladet Børsen, the layoffs affect Norwegian and Swedish employees.

– Yesterday was a black day in the history of the company, says Mats Idbratt, COO of the candy giant Gottebiten, to Børsen.
